Is it me, or are all the next gen consoles dissappointments so far?
Now, I know they are not all released yet, but so far, not one console inpresses me.
First, we have the Dremcast. It has great graphics, sound, and most importantly:Great games. But it is still a dissappointment, mainly because it simple didn\'t sell. I know that sales don\'t really determine how great a console is, but now Sega is dead as a console munfacturer, there is very litle comming support to the Dreamcast (except Shemue 2)
Then, the PS2. At it\'s launch, it had low visual quality, and still does. Even GT3 isn\'t breathtaking....the reflections, lighting and cars are great, but not much else.
The games I have on my PS2 currently are nice diversions, but nothing as great as I had hoped...all my favorite N64, PSone, Dreamcast and PC games beat them hands down in the gameplay/immersion/storyline department. I know it will get better, but I don\'t expect to wait 2 years for my conoles to get any decent games.
Now the GameCube. Yes, I know it isn\'t released, but I don\'t like what I see. The new Zelda looks terrible (in my opinion) and makes we want to vomit whenever I see it. And, all developers are saying Nintendo clearly are aiming for the kiddie market. I want an all-round console, with adult and non adult games, not just cutesy games (Zelda and Starfox were NEVER this cutesy) Resident Evil:0 had no cocerage, and Eternal Darkness is one game. There is no news on PD2 either...... Where\'s the Nintendo innovation? Cel shading is old, Pikimin is just a cutey stratagey game, Luigi\'s Mansion is very simple...ect. I hope it gets better.
The X-Box is very mysterious at the moment. I don\'t know how it will turn out, but no games intrest me at the moment and it had an awful E3. It is the most powerful console, but power doesn\'t make a great console. It also doesn\'t have enough exclusives at the moment.
That is the end of my rant. Many of you won\'t agree with things I said I imagine, so get disscussing.