Originally posted by Lavan
It\'s amazing to see all these people being interviewed and saying stuff like "Oh my god, why did they do this?", "They\'re evil, why us, they hate America". But no one wants to know why - do people honestly think that those in the middle-east that dislike the US do it just because they hate Seinfeld and Friends?
CNN showed that footage of a small group of Palestinian retards \'celebrating\' - the rest of the Palestinians were starving, looking for water, perhaps haven\'t seen their families for months because of Israeli blockades. People in New York are afraid and asking themselves \'why does this have to happen to us?\' - but that\'s just an isolated incident, equally as innocent people in Palestine wonder the same thing every day.
Do you ever notice, every time some Hamas idiot sets of a bomb in Israel that kills, say, 2 Israeli\'s, you hear of the tradgedy of the 2 killings, but only in the small print at the end of the articles do you see that 100 palestinian civilians were killed in retribution. I remember the last bombing that didn\'t even kill anyone, and that fat f@ck Ariel Sharon bombed a palestinian police station killing numerous police officers just because they \'believed\' Hamas terrorists were there - they weren\'t. And perhaps the Palestinans could fight back, but there\'s the US holding Israel\'s hand every step of the way - when Saddam wants to invade Kuwait it\'s wrong and heinous, when the same thing happens to the Palestinians it\'s okay. Of course, you don\'t see that view on CNN.
That\'s just one example, and I\'m not blaming just the US - it\'s the entire Western World - sure I think the US and it\'s allies should be a peace-keeper, but there\'s a limit to where they should stick their noses.
The scariest thing about this whole incident is that these terrorists did it the hard way. The CIA has an operating budget of 26 billion dollars (acording to CNN) and they had no idea this was going to happen. It would have been much easier for these bastards to sneak in some plutonium, assemble a nuclear bomb, park it infront of the world trade centre and kill a few MILLION people with one push of the button. That\'s terrifying, and killing a bunch of Afghani civilians or nuking Palestine off the map isn\'t going to stop those other nutcases from doing the same thing again - no matter what Dubbayah says.
God bless the souls of those innocents that died to day, and I hope we all pray for those still trapped in the rubble. But I hope Dubbayah\'s \'justice\' involves targeting these terrorist groups DIRECTLY (and killing them), rather than blanket bombing some civilians and thereby inciting even more hatred.
This is just a horrible f ucking day.
I agree with you Lavan,
This terrorist act makes me sick to my stomach.
But for once i would like to see people tell it how it is,
not this BS we get from the media.
I noticed this one-sided story telling a lot. I guess if you don’t agree with the media
Then you are automatically a hick-honky-redneck-anti-Semite-KKK member. Right, pigs fly.
They don’t tell you about Beirut as it was, they don’t tell you about the second war as it was, they spoon feed you crap, and most are happy with eating it.
The important thing is did we "LEARN ANYTHING FROM THIS?"
By some of the response today that i read, we did not.
You can get revenge, you can kill some goat-fu@king terrorist.
But the problem will remain, and only get worse, ...
America wants to play "world cops"
wants to stick their nose everywhere,
well today it got bloodied.
I don\'t want to lose any more family over wars, or politics, because the special interest groups can Kiss my azz.
I’m angry, and I guess I’m rambling again,
So if I don’t make sense, …