Originally posted by Jumpman Way to be silent retard.
Oh come on Jumpman, can\'t you just give it a rest already? Raslant just wanted to say a simple hello to me and you call him a retard! He just saw I was here, therefore he said HI, I see nothing wrong with that. Then he proceded with a moment of silence .
Typing ........... does not count. This thread is sick.
Usually during a moment of silence there is no talking therefore no words, just silence, got it?
Oh god you people are sick. I find this extremely disrespecting to the people who have died and who have suffered
I don\'t see anything disrespectful here at all, how can you say that? We were only praying for these poor people and you complain? The only thing that makes me sick is that you can\'t understand how much of a serious moment this is, because your busy picking on other people.