Watchdog, I think you have been misinformed about Baldur\'s Gate: DA. The game is in true 3d. Quote from PS2.ign:
"This game is running on a rock-solid 3D engine with completely rotatable dungeons, brilliant animation for nearly every interactive element (of which there are many), and first-rate lighting effects of all different kinds."The game has to deal with everything that a FPS game has to deal with. It has to deal with hiding off-screen or blocked-from-view polygons. It has to deal with lighting effects. (good ol\' dot product
). It has to render the world and the characters all in real time, because they are always changing. The backgrounds aren\'t prerendered or anything. This pic is probably from when you beat a level or something and the camera comes down for a closer view of the hero. I\'m posting it because it proves a point.
This just shows how similar the game is to the FPS games. It has to process just as much as a FPS game does.
About the characters being small and also about the perspective thing (objects are smaller in the background):
Next Generation magazine said that some of the monsters will be made up of 20,000 polygons a piece.:eek:
You will NEVER get full power out of any hardware if you use development tools. These tools are designed to help people get around the rough edges of the PS2.
I\'m not saying they will get full power. I\'m saying they will get more power than most developers have now. The most talented developers who don\'t need the kits will make better games, but the less talented developers will still make impressive looking games with these tools -- more impressive than what they are making now at least.
Can\'t argue there. The xbox needs to sell. It may flop in Japan, but who knows. I think it was a wise move to delay the launch. There are still rumblings that Square is talking to MS. IF that happens and MG gets a release anything can happen in the land of the rising sun.
Yeah, anything can happen really. What would be funny is if the Xbox sells better than the NGC did.
Yes that is from Naughty Dog--a PS2 exclusive developer (Im pretty sure). What did you expect? Even if they aren\'t exclusive, I can find any number of quotes from many other companies and individuals that hate the xbox archetecture. What is this going to proove?
Yeah, Naughty Dog is a first party developer (I think they became first party about a year ago). I said to look past them being first party and just look at what they have made. Don\'t you think they are a credible source?
And no I do not only bash the PS2. I could easily say you only praise it. I offer my opinion on what I have played and seen.
I offer my opinion on what I have played and seen too. That\'s whats so great about opinions, they are all different.