Firstly, I only insult when I in turn get insulted. When has anyone taken any post that speaks against the PS2 seriously? And no you didn\'t insult me directly (dm), but you post is inflammatory and hostile so I responded in kind. Besides when someone insults me (unprovoked) you don\'t jump on him and defend these high ideals--hypocrite.
Secondly, you guys know nothing about what goes into a 3d engine and yet you still are arguing and calling me names. Does this make sense?
And of course they are going to say "This game isn\'t possible anywhere else--your PCs would cry". Give me a break. Do you expect them to say, while promoting their product "We;re not breaking any boundries here, this stuff is pretty textbook stuff and can be done on the GBA given the proper timeframe. Actually it\'s a lot like Diablo II with more spells--we stole a lot from Blizzard." Some common sense please.
Like it or not most of you are fanboys. You have not even considered any of my points. If you look at my initial posts in this thread they were not inflammatory, they were posts in the spirit of the topic. Whenever I post my ideas that are a little against the PS2 I get jumped on by multiple people.
Calling someone ignorant is not necessarily an insult, and definately not in the context that I used it. Calling most of you here ignorant only means that you have non knowledge about any given topic. In this case you do not know what it takes to get a 3d engine to work and the process therein, and therefore it is impossible to DEBATE this issue with you.
And, I answered you question already in a post (do you even read them?). I have responded in threads that praise the PS2, and have said positive things about the PS2 (recently in the ICO, this damn thread and J&D posts) so you can put your conspiracy theories to rest.
Secondly, it DOES matter how quickly things are moving. No I can\'t find a specific document that states this, but it would be worthless to post here anyway because you people don\'t beleive anything that doesn\'t praise the PS2.
Lastly, having a controllable comera has a huge impact (zooming and scaling etc) on performance, not just a little. You guys are using PS2 biased common sense to arrive at your conclusions. I actually know--read carefully I actually KNOW--for a fact, but this, not surprisingly, fell on deaf ears.
The PS2 is a wonderful system really. The textures are always bright and colourful. Framerate problems are very rarely noticeable, actually once you play a game enough you hardly notice them any because you can anticipate them and adjust on the fly. Actually, there will be no more framerate problems anymore because I read an interview on IGN that said new dev kits and dev tools have been shipped so we should be seeing great content (at a solid 60fps) during the next wave. I would say that 55% of the games released on the PS2 have been excellent, 25% awesome, genre shattering experiences and the rest have been mildly entertaining--perfect for a rental. I don\'t really mind that the PS2 only has 2 controller ports because I usually only have 1 friend over at a time anyway and the internet is the next big thing anyway, not home playing with a bunch of friends. I can\'t wait to buy the harddrive and modem to complete my system so that the online experience can begin. I wonder what it will cost? Does anyone know? Post a link to IGN so I can be sure the information is accurate (if the posted price is too high I\'m not going to believe it though). I gotta admit that BG is most visually and technically impressive bit of software that I\'ve ever seen. It looks AWESOME. Even though I hated the first three VFs (for arcade, SS and DC--not really good compared to Tekken), I have to say that I think VF4 looks amazing (much better than the first three). I will buy this for sure--I wonder why it took Sega 4 tries to finally get this game right? Anyone have a link that answers this question (preferably from IGN or some other reputable game reporting site)? Actually, I can\'t think of a game that is coming out that doesn\'t look awesome. I know I said this after the system launched, but this time it must be true because I have this irrational kind of blind faith--lol, I know that\'s redundant. The Crapbox and Gheycube don\'t really interest me at all. Besides I read somewhere that the crapbox is going to only be able to ship 300,000 units at launch--it\'s pathetic that a software company is trying to get into the hardware business anyway, I\'m not surprised. Some of the screenshots look OKAY, but they are probably mock ups or fakes. I bet the actually games will run in low res because I don\'t think any system is powerful enough to actually render those screens in realtime--perhaps the PS2 with the new dev tools. Maybe someone has a link that confirms this suspician (if there is a link contrary don\'t bother posting, I\'m not that interested heh). Anyway, I really think the PS2 is the best console ever (relatively speaking). Does anyone agree? We could discuss this instead of the previous ghey topic.