Mate, I am a Christian, and yes, i do believe that there will be a mark of the beast...
but think about it, seriously, in Revelations it states that everyone will be made to eventually get the mark, but only some people (Christians) will be hesitant to recieve it.
How many people would be jumping at the prospect of being branded by the government in this day and age - not many, if any at all.
I dont think that \'barcodes\' are what the mark will be, it will be different, something that the general public can actually accept on recieving, like, possibly a microchip that will have an alternative purpose.
Now, I am not saying your wrong, but this type of \'scary Bible stuff\' always seems to pop up after a significant world event. I personally don\'t think the public are ready for it yet, but it will come, but no onw actually knows when.
I am not a bus stop Christian. I am not gonna wait on my little bench for it to all happen, or cower away in trepadation cause I am scared. I am gonna live my life knowing the I am right with God, and when the time comes, I will meet him, whatever the situation.