Originally posted by Titan
How is that different than any other company?
Any company will produce a product that the public wants. Right now, people want violent movies because that\'s what they are interested in. Therefore, Hollywood supplies the public with a product that they want. Its that simple. If you don\'t like watching violent movies, stop bitching because other poeple do and there\'s no point in ruining it for hte rest of us when you just have to not go and watch it.
Did I say that other companies are different?
Do you think everyone has a correct understanding of what is morally right or wrong?
Do you think that we the consumers have total control of what should be produced and that companies dont excercise influence and control on our preferences?
Should someone who is strongly and wrongly influenced by violence be influenced forever by graphic violence?
Should children whose parents arent caring much about what they watch, become graphic violence-hungry passive viewers from which companies love getting us much money as possible from them?
[sarcasm]Kids usually dont like studying or beeing taught whats morally right or wrong.I guess since they dont demand it, we shouldnt care much about where our society/culture is being led to.
We should only worry so we build as much as possible a commercialised standard of living in the mercy of media exploitation and ignorance.[/sarcasm]
We sacrifice creativity for easy cash