Man, I haven\'t posted here in a while. Anyway, I think this thread deserves my expertise.
Lestat, if you\'re reviewing
solely on graphics you might have point, though I completely disagree on your review of Rogue Leader. But you have to realize that gameplay makes or breaks a game (don\'t say something like "if you made mario for the GC in 8-bit with excellent gameplay it wouldn\'t sell"). I don\'t know why you would not buy a GC just because the graphics aren\'t "perfect." More or less, the GC, PS2, and the Xbox are going to have the same graphics. IMO, it would be a big mistake if you missed out on games like Rogue Leader, Mario and Zelda because you aren\'t impressed with the graphics of a few games(yes their new...uh...
approach to Zelda is not the greatest, but all Zelda games are good. period.) Also, IMO, Square will develop for the GC (probably nothing exclusive) and many other popular games like Dragon Warrior, etc. will be coming to the GC. If I were you, I\'d pass up the Xbox for now and buy a GC. You\'ll be saving $100 too!
BTW, I have a question for all of you that were turned away by the N64. What happened when Sega failed a couple of times miserably? Why didn\'t you hate them and refuse to buy a Dreamcast? Does Nintendo have to be pushed out of the hardware business to gain some appreciation?