I was kind of hoping that we\'d see a reply like this.
No honestly, what does it take to be in the same league as Nintendo? I honestly don\'t know, but from what I\'ve seen and played on Nintendo consoles (I owned the SNES and played a lot the N64), I don\'t see why Sony isn\'t just as good.
Back to the thread, I have to agree that Sony has got the best first party at the moment. I haven\'t seen any of the GC first party titles yet, but from what I\'ve heard, there\'s another Mario game in development... sounds very cool. :rolleyes:
However, ICO has suprised me, GT3 by all means the best racing game I\'ve played and TMB is a lot of fun. But the list grows and grows with future releases:
Wipeout Fusion, Dropship, The Getaway, Jak & Daxter....
I guess this debate is really based upon opinions, but I just don\'t get it when every Nintendo loyalist here and there says that Nintendo still makes the best first party games. I\'m sorry, but I just don\'t see it. Maybe I slept through those days, but judging from this point of time, I think Nintendo just lost it.