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Author Topic: Prozac for Altered Beast!  (Read 1740 times)

Offline IronFist
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Prozac for Altered Beast!
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2001, 10:06:01 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
so import it. Quit *****ing, wait another month and import the UK one. Or don\'t wait at all and get the Japanese one, or wait for the X-Box one.

I guess you missed the post I posted on the first page.  Here it is again:

For those of you planning on importing from Europe, that won\'t work either.

"Sad but true. A game that was to be Dreamcast\'s grand finale, the last spectacular title on the machine, has been cancelled and is now coming to Xbox instead. The Japanese release of Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast hit stores last month, as you will know from our huge coverage. But that\'s all. No DC version in the US, and we\'re reliably informed, Europe either."

I can see why Sega did this.  They are trying to build the userbase of the Xbox so Shemue 3 will be a huge success.  But it still isn\'t right.  I don\'t see how even the most diehard Sega fans can hold on anymore.  They have been thrown around time and time again, yet they still worship the ground Sega walks on.  I dropped Sega after the 32x, then almost picked them up again late in the Dreamcast\'s life (I got a Dreamcast, but I didn\'t buy any Sega games -- only a ton of 2d fighting games. :))

Maybe people will learn to forgive and forget, but it\'s hard to tell right now.  Sega has been given a second chance with all that money given to them.  Let\'s see if they use that second chance to succeed, or if they were destined to fail...
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Prozac for Altered Beast!
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2001, 11:11:36 AM »
That is a street rumor as of yet. MS didn\'t get the rights to ShenmueII in Europe, ONLY in the UK, there is no reason for SoE to cancel SII in Europe.

Until Charles Bellefield says it, or the **** that runs SoE says it, it is BS, like the Square on X-Box rumor.

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Prozac for Altered Beast!
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2001, 11:27:14 AM »

I know all of the logical reasons why SEGA did what they did. And in the end, I don\'t care for their reasons. Yes I\'m upset, yes I\'m still getting it on the Xbox, but it goes to show SEGA doesn\'t give a sh!t about its fans. Just money, just like Sony, just like M$, just like Nintendo. Remember that next time you criticize any company for their business strategies. Not everyone can afford every console, and not everyone wants an Xbox, so those that still prefer their DC, got shafted in the !@#.

I\'m getting an Xbox, but I am still displeased with their decision. If it wasn\'t going to sell that much, big deal. Bring it to DC, and then bring it to the Xbox enhanced. Those wanting it @ the end of this year shouldn\'t have been screwed in that manner.

Funny how you would stick up for SEGA regardless of the news they bring. Though I can\'t say I\'m surprised.

/ dm /


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