yeah, N64 games sure do look horrible! I would rather play with a little blur than jag fever
actually, I\'d take Gran Turismo\'s, MGS, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Need for Speed, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, Tekken, Crash Style
>>jagged<< graphics anyday before playing N64, which apparently had those superior graphics every fanboy kept talking about. Post as many screens as you want - I\'ve played N64 enough to say that the graphics are crap with a few exceptions here and there. I call PSX graphics, although jagged as hell, better than N64\'s graphics any day.
You guys are pathetic, N64 has a better great to crap ratio than PSX had.
Of course it has. How many games are there on N64? Now, count all the good ones. Now, count all the games PSX has, and then count all the good ones aswell. Of course, you will have the better ratio on N64 (logical conclusion:10 good games out of 100
equals better ratio than 50 good games out of 4000, right?). But would you rather have only 10 good games, or 50 games (including one out of every category; jump n\'run, survival, adventure, espionage, racing, beat em up, rpg, simulation, fps etc)?