Originally posted by lestat
but how in the hell can u defend a console like the n64...under what grounds...what could you possibly say that\'\'ll justify the blurriness, fogginess, low rez, low frame rate, and cheap audio
Funny, I missed Blurriness 64. Fogniess 64 wasn\'t in my game library, either. Low Rez 64? Low Frame Rate 64? Missed those, too. Hell, I\'ve never even heard of Cheap Audio 64!
What\'s that? They\'re not actual games?
Well that\'s your problem, you forgot to play the games. Maybe if you picked up Super Mario 64, Wave Race 64, Mario Kart 64, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, WWF No Mercy, Banjo-Tooie, Goldeneye: 007, Paper Mario, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Conker\'s Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, Mischief Makers, Blast Corps, F-Zero X, Excitebike 64, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Harvest Moon 64, Jet Force Gemini, Resident Evil 2, Diddy Kong Racing, Tony Hawk\'s Pro Skater 2, Mario Tennis, International Superstar Soccer, Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon, WCW/nWo Revenge, Pilotwings 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Tetrisphere, Star Fox 64, Zelda: Majora\'s Mask, Sin and Punishment, All-Star Baseball 2000, or any number of other fun games, you wouldn\'t ask such a dumb question.