reasons why nintendo is dissapointing for me, call me a fanboy or not its my own opinion
blurry foggy graphics with terible framerates. Take perfect dark, try playing it and see it crawling at 10fps in single player mode, im not even mentioning multiplayer. Games such as turok, goldeneye (yes it has fog jumpman, check the Dam, Jugle, Cradle and surface stages) and other had some horrible fog, Id rather have pop up than thick fog. Blurryness was bad but could be helped by using S-video
Terrible delays, games such as zelda, perfect dark, banjo kazooie were delayed till i had no interest anymore and had moved on with psx
Horrible controller and cartrige problems. Carts just suck, they are a pain to store, clean and get em running on my system (I dont treat them like ****) The controller was great for platformers, but sucked badly for racing and fighting games. The anlogue stick was sharp and got stiff after a year of usage (I had to throw away 3 of em away).
Kiddie games, the argument is weak gc isn\'t that kiddie. However I feel that I have grown out of nintendo games. Whenever i see the new zelda It makes me angry, the game looks awefull. Other games such as smash bros (I know you all like it) kirby, pokemon turn me down because of the cute colorfull graphics and simple (sometimes fun!) gameplay.
Not enough interesting games for me, and many of em (goldeneye, Perfect dark) are overated. I like action, rgp en especially Fighting and racing games (Ridge racer doesn\'t count coz the psx version is better) The only decent fighting game there was, was KI Gold (great underrated game)
there where some great gameson n64 titles such as
Goldeneye, overrated but good
Mariokart, wasn\'t as good as the snes version but still kicked
Zelda the 1st one, best game ever nuff said. The 2nd one looked worse in graphic department and was boring
KI Gold, Love the game
Turok, some annoying fog, but was the best looking shooter at the time (compare it to quake!)