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Author Topic: Ryu\'s Project Gotham Impressions  (Read 1766 times)

Offline seven
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Ryu\'s Project Gotham Impressions
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2001, 07:30:06 AM »
Yeah, I got to agree with you about GT4... they should either get that damage in and enhanced AI, or make a Rally type game out of it. If I had a wishlist for GT4, real time weather effects would be definately in it aswell.

I think the AI is serious though. Every GT game in the series had weak AI, but I still have my hopes high for part 4 (I don\'t think GTN will be much different from GT3 other than the online cabapilites). J&L does sound good.. and I\'ll probabyl rent it if I get a chance to. As for GT3, the bottom line is really that the AI is crapp and simply laughable. You don\'t even need to go to a curve to find that out.. just stop anywhere and the cars will completely ignore you and "crash" into you (well not crash.. :( ). Maybe I didn\'t think this was all to bad, since I mostly ignore them aswell when I race, especially since I am a better driver than them (thanks to the car too), I usually don\'t get to see them after the second lap and up anymore.

Like I said, the flaws are probably due to a lot of time pressure, but that doesn\'t make GT3 better than it is hyped up to be. I still don\'t find those flaws very bad (maybe because I didn\'t pay too much attention to it and just enjoyed the handling and lifelike feel to the cars), but you\'re right: in those terms, there are better racing/driving games outthere. But in terms of handling and attention to detail with the cars, I still think that GT3 holds that position as the most realistic \'driving\' game.

Speaking of which, I heard Burnout features some very good AI in there (cars taking notice of you etc), so that\'s something to look forward to. Hope WRC also delievers some great content aswell..

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Ryu\'s Project Gotham Impressions
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2001, 03:08:30 PM »
Colin McRae Rally 3 will be god...

some dude:
"We\'re aiming for a very personal experience," commented Rick, "The previous games were all about the cars and the tracks. We want the player to really connect with the feeling of being McRae, not the car, and work with co-driver Nicky Grist, and the Ford team as a whole."

some dude:
Plenty of stages and countryside from around the world, as well as fully moving parts in the car and a greatly enhanced damage system "...will result in a totally destructible car - panels can be ripped off and punctured as well as dented."

:fro: toot on


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