Seems I have to make more friends - hello, everyone
Heh - thanks for those whom mentioned me; and I must say everyone whom mentioned me are on my list of friends as well. Heck, I have even few of those who didn\'t mention me on my list. And here IS my list, by the way:
- nO-One ( the homerous - or should I say - humorous poster )
- hawke ( my finnish native friend... just doesn\'t visit much anymore )
- small-lady ( now, how could you forget to add a fellow finn to your list? don\'t worry - I\'m a forgiving person )
- Samwise ( the most boobious moderator we have - a fellow LotR lover )
- Sublime ( la rata loco - a dear amigo! )
- Soulgrind ( my master - I am your servant. Not a friend, but had to mention you anyways )
- Adan ( los amigo - you\'re a dear friend to me still, Adan )
There is those whom I remember straightly. consider the fact, however, that I have been gone from the boards for at least a week, I can not remember instantly whom were my friends and whom weren\'t. I will sneak around and observe you, and explore the way you treat me and respond to my messages before I add more of you to my list :)
//Darth Joyda - is a back