For a console FPS, Halo is just fine. Compared to a PC FPS, Halo comes up short. The problem isn\'t that the game sucks, it\'s just lacking a lot of things that we all hoped it would be. We all wanted an expandable game with many many online options with huge 30 person servers running on an X-Box console through broadband at a constant 60FPS a second. We all wanted a game that was uninhindered by lag or framerate that leveled the playing field between hardcore PC users and the casual PC user. X-Box and Halo offered that such possibility and then the things that we most wanted from the game were snatched away.
No online play.
60FPS is not constant.
Max players at once is 4.
How can I not feel dissapointed? With so many possibilities, why must I now wait for the PC version in which it was originally intended? Single player games are fine, but for FPS\' I honestly never feel the need to revisit them. Especially when I know all the secrets and traps and plot elements. Half-Life was a great game, but it was even better after its online portion (TFC, CS, DoD, DM) came together and sent the series into overdrive. Now a sequel is imminent as well as many spin-offs of its modifications.
It\'s possible Halo will be the same on the X-Box, but it will never be as grand in scope as it will be on the PC and that\'s what\'s dissapointing. For the better game with the extra features I want, I need to wait for the PC version, but for the single player game, I can spill 500 bucks on a bundle with Halo included. Thank but no thanks, I\'d rather have my Keyboard\\Mouse combo instead of fighting a slow turning game controller with too few buttons and features for me to enjoy the title to its fullest.
That\'s just me though. Don\'t think this opinion is solely focused at Halo though, I feel the same way about Red Faction, TimeSplitters and to an extent, Medal of Honor, even though MoH is the best FPS for a console to date.