woah, hold it there Watchdog. Now you are going too far.
That\'s not where I go wrong. Texture memory is a problem and bandwidth, streamed or not, is just as vital to the PS2 as it is to the xbox. Also the streaming capabilities do not seem to be as efficient as Sony led on. 6.4 GB/s is plenty for the xbox--you are wrong. Pentium is not slow and of course it\'s weak for 3d, that\'s what the Nvida is for! UMA is a strength, not a weakness, get your facts straight. It gives devs the ability to chose where and how to use it. Sure it could use virtual RAM (for instance), but the strengths of the box out weight the rest.
I usually don\'t get personal Watchdog, but you my friend (trying very hard to stay polite), have absolutely no idea. I should have took Heretic\'s advice and left this debate, because devoting my time to a technical "no-body" is simply a waste. It would be lame on my side to just leave it at that though, so I will give it one last try - so please pay good attention. You won\'t have it repeated from me a second time.
This time, I will use some quotes out of an article posted and written by ArsTechnica (well know source for technical reference on PC hardware):
The major difference between static apps and dynamic apps are their bandwidth needs. Since a static app can drop all its instructions and data into a cache without worrying too much about needing to fetch some more anytime soon, systems designed for such applications feature large caches connected by relatively low bandwidth pipes. Dynamic apps, on the other hand, can make do with smaller caches, but since they transfer so much data they need much more bandwidth between them.Pay good attention to the
highlighted stuff (making it easier for you to follow).
Incase it hasn\'t sunk in yet, read the following:
Here\'s a goofy example to help you visualize what I\'m talking about: imagine a series of large buckets, connected by pipes to a main tank, with a cow lapping water out of each bucket. Since cows don\'t drink too fast, the pipes don\'t have to be too large to keep the buckets full and the cows happy. Now imagine that same setup, except with elephants on the other end instead of cows. The elephants are sucking water out so fast that you\'ve got to do something drastic to keep them happy. One option would be to enlarge the pipes just a little (*cough* AGP *cough*), and stick insanely large buckets on the ends of them (*cough* 64MB GeForce *cough*). You then fill the buckets up to the top every morning, leave the water on all day, and pray to God that the elephants don\'t get too thirsty. This only works to a certain extent though, because a really thirsty elephant would still end up draining the bucket faster than you can fill it. And what happens when the elephants have kids, and the kids are even thirstier? You\'re only delaying the inevitable with this solution, because the problem isn\'t with the buckets, it\'s with the pipes (assuming an infinite supply of water). A better approach would be to just ditch the buckets altogether and make the pipes really, really large. You\'d also want to stick some pans on the ends of the pipes as a place to collect the water before it gets consumed, but the pans don\'t have to be that big because the water isn\'t staying in them very long.Take into consideration that this is just explaining what
streaming is and what its advantage is. Since the Xbox isn\'t limited through a AGP it doesn\'t quite apply here - although the Xbox isn\'t used for streaming technics (UMA with only 6.4 GB/s make streaming useless).
The PS2\'s approach is causing developers to rethink how they move data inside the machine. In a comment in the /. thread about my PS2 article, one ex-PS2 developer noted that the VU caches are too small to store a whole model or 32-bit texture, so programmers were pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to deal with the size limitation. He pointed out that one group that had had PS2 development units for a while took the strategy of constantly downloading textures and models into the VU and processors, instead of downloading them once, caching them, and working on them inside the cache. This approach was running the 10-channel DMAC at 90% capacity! This kind of aggressive use of bandwidth resources is exactly the kind of thing PS2 developers will have to do. Between the RAMBUS memory banks, the 10-channel DMAC and the 128-bit internal data bus, the PS2 has bandwidth to burn--what it doesn\'t have is internal cache. Currently, developers are thinking in terms of 3D cards with large on-board memory that can cache large models and textures, and modestly sized L1 and L2 caches for storing code and data.
The PS2 is the exact opposite, though. There\'s memory-to-processor bandwidth out the wazoo. The RIMMS are the cache, and the available bandwidth is such that you can get away with storing everything there and downloading it on the fly. So with the PS2, code and data have to be constantly streamed over the wide internal buses in order arrive at the functional units right when they\'re needed. Of course, then the trick is scheduling the memory transfers so that you always have what you need on hand and latency doesn\'t kill you.The above explains pretty nicely what advantage you have with streaming techniques and where the problem lyes for the developers. The above also explains, why bandwidth is a key factor to keep memory low (or in other words, why we can afford little memory if the bandwidth are big enough). I hope you were able to get that into your skull Watchdog. I honestly can\'t go lower than that.
How do you know this? You are talking out of your ass as usual. Brute Force and Project Ego are already looking beyond the launch games and they are still early in development. The genesis and snes were old (as you say) technology too, but the graphics were a quantum leap ahead of its launch titles. Just because it is PC-like, does not negate the dev learning curve. Most rational people concede that the PS2 cannot match the xbox\'s graphics, you however, are not a rational person.
LOL. So basically, everyone who doesn\'t share your
opinion is not being rational? No, unlike you I have some technical understanding on the stuff I post. Too bad it seems to be too high for your understanding. I\'ve seen Project Ego and it does not wow me after seing FFX in action and other games. And again, you\'re putting words in my mouth that I never said. I never said Xbox
won\'t improve, I said Xbox
won\'t improve by as much as the PS2 will. How does ProjectEgo look so much better than DoA3? We can make a poll if you want - just to see what the other members think of how much the graphics leap is between those 2 games. By Xbox being PC-like, it already has a big advantage over the PS2. I posted above why it has an advantage:
PC-like architecture:
FACTDirectX support:
FACTUnlike PC\'s fixed platform:
FACTcopy data to RAM, then work with them:
FACTGenesis/SNES: You might not be aware of this, but I will point this out none-the-less: What is old
now, wasn\'t old back
then. If you honestly think that todays developers haven\'t made a leap in knowledge and development techniques since then, then you\'re nothing but a little moron leaving in a dreamworld. Wake up Watchdog, you\'re points are getting pretty lame.
I would not say that the PS2 is improving drastically in terms of graphics. There are better looking games coming out now, but I do not see a drastic improvement over, say, Tekken. Just because there are some nice looking games out does not mean anything. This could just as easily be attributed to better artistry, better programmers, smarter people. It\'s probably a combination of those things plus people are working their way through the PS2. It is not any one factor.
I know VF4 isn\'t out yet, but if you have seen the direct feed from TGS and played the arcade version (PS2 version is arcade perfect as it seems), then you will notice quite a big difference in a) Polygon count, b) no prerendered backgrounds, c) texture detail and d) lightning and visual effects. You can also compare the never released GT2000 to the finalized version of GT3 which also features a big leap in those areas. Other games that look much more impressive are: Balders Gate: Dark Aliance, Final Fantasy X, MGS2, WRC, Burnout, Ace Combat 4 and others. I could point out every aspect that improved by a great margin in these games, but I think I will leave it at that for now.
With the xbox there is no AGP bottleneck, the XGPU is fully programmable with pixel shaders vertex shaders, and the OS kernal has been trimmed down to almost nothing. Equating the xbox as nothing more than a PC in disguise is ignorance.
Of course it having no AGP bottleneck, programmable GPU and strippped down Win2000 kernel does make it a PC. :rolleyes:
Are we going to debate again about how PCish the Xbox is? Please, check the articles you posted and read for yourself. By the way; first you refer to the Xbox as being
PC-like but than say \'bla bla bla\' does not make it a PC in disguice? Make up your mind. I never said the Xbox is a PC in disguice. It is enough PC-like to have a huge advantage for developers over the newely designed PS2. FACT (also confirmed by developers).