Originally posted by IronFist
7.9. Docwiz, is this the "objective" review you were looking for, or would you prefer the objective *cought*bull crap*cough* review from IGN or Gaming Age?
Theres more than that, but nothing you haven\'t heard from numerous sources over the past few months. Good graphics, and, um, good graphics.
Go ahead a read it:
Oh, and by "bad", I mean not as good as the Xbox fanboys are saying it is.
I just look at the facts.... All of the other non biased sites out there rate all the games differently.... IGN gives it a high score, as does Next generation as does gaming-age as does game informer, etc....
I just think its interesting that NOT one single xbox game has got a high score from gamespot and they constantly put down xbox all the time. Biased does come to mind... The fact that they gave shallow tekken tag team a higher score than any xbox game should kind of put biased in there.
Remember folks, many people will make up a lot of stuff because they don\'t like Microsoft or because they suck up to Nintendo or Sony but that doesn\'t make it fact.
The funny thing is that all PS2 games except for a very few should get a lot lower scores, but you won\'t see that from gamespot.
Its kind of like getting Faston to rate xbox games, you know that blind idiot would give xbox scores of 2.0 or so.
Its pretty much common sense..... Check out tons of other websites and magazines and find out what they rate it and other xbox games. I am honestly suprised xbox games don\'t get rated a 5.0 from Gamespot, might as well be called Sony or Nintendospot...
Xbox is getting some really high marks from NON BIASED magazines. The problem is that video games are so damn political today it makes me sick.
Just like Trip hawkins talking smack about the xbox because he gives sony a blowjob. Yes Trip, I hope you read this message because you really are a dumbass. Sony won\'t buy 3DO because you have crappy software that they don\'t care about, they just want you to keep on giving them blowjobs and dissing Microsoft. The only reason why you support Nintendo is because you know they are not in competition with Sony.