mmh.. I know that when I got my PS2 at launch along with TTT and a few other games, I was very happy. Being more of a DoA player in those days (I hated Tekken 3 since it was so slow compared to DoA - might have been a sloppy PAL conversion though), I was quite suprised with TTT. After a few weeks, DoA2 arrived and of course I got the game the first day it came out. Back then, I would have said DoA2 is better than Tekken hands down, but as the time passed by I lost more and more interest in DoA2. The gameplay no where matches a Tekken in the long run... the stuff that I really started to hate about DoA2 was its short matches and some other issues (overpowered characters etc). I think most people enjoy DoA2 more since its a easier game, especially to buttonmash. Tekken can be pretty fustrating for a newbie if played against an experienced player. It probably all comes down to personal preference, but I think in the long run Tekken is better in all aspects.