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Author Topic: Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........  (Read 4607 times)

Offline Heretic
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2001, 06:18:41 PM »

Thanks, :cool: Must be the demos then, either that or my xbox stink eye is working overtime :D I\'ve seen two different demos and noticed both effects in each one. At least now I know those kiosks are giving an even worse impression than I had originally thought.  Truly, the characters models I\'ve been seeing also seemed only a slight step above DOA2 to me, so from now on I\'m going to keep my mouth shut about DOA3 until I can see the actual game in play on a decent TV.  It\'s only fair

I have no shame in saying I look forward to one day playing a few rounds of either version. Plastic or not, those chicks are HOT!

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Well, well.
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2001, 06:35:42 PM »
I read the 1st page on this thread. I forgot who said what so see below!

One of you is forgettign that this is a graphics discussion, and not a gameplay discussio.
One of you thinks Soul Caliber looks better! My ass!
I agree with whoever started this topic.
People should check out Xbox running on high definition flat screens for the full experience.

For Ajoh: DOA3 looks much better than Hardcore. I dont remember his name, but (lot\'s of people already know about this)
he exaclty quoted,"Only Xbox can handle DOA3." I\'ve seen it at IGN, Gamespot, EGM...
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Offline Terry Bogard
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Originally posted by rastalant

Sorry but I had doa2hardcore and doa3 side by side.  Doa3 model look a ton better more detail, better textures, higher polygon count.  I know thats your opinion but doa3 beat doa2hardcore graphics pretty bad.:fro:

I\'m gunna look at this thread like this

*pisses on ALL OF rastalangs comments about DOA3*

Dude, this post sounds more like your I WORSHIP XBOX\'S GRAPHICS more then it does a comparison.

I have yet to see a DECENT comparison in ANY of your posts.

The right label for this post

*We should all worship Xbox\'s power like ole Rast here*:rolleyes:

BTW, I\'m joking around with you dude, don\'t take that serious, but I know a couple people that think that is what the thread SHOULD have been titled.

Offline Sublimesjg
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Originally posted by rastalant

Sorry but I had doa2hardcore and doa3 side by side.  Doa3 model look a ton better more detail, better textures, higher polygon count.  I know thats your opinion but doa3 beat doa2hardcore graphics pretty bad.:fro:

why do people always compare DOA2 and DOA3

PS2 version of DOA2 HC was nothing more then a DC port - you dont make graphics better on ports really - so of course its not gonna look much better the game was already old as it was

so you are comparing a game that is brand new to one that is on outdated hardware from a year and a half ago

i know that DOA3 is nice looking, way ahead of the rest no i dont agree - but it is nice

the backgrounds are very beautiful but the characters are lacking IMO when compared to games such as VF4 and some Tekken 4 characters but Tekken Sadly is not a graphics whore of a game this time around

What im trying to say is that Team Ninja milks this franchise as much as Capcom does Street Fighter- how many DOA2 versions were there lol - they remind me a lot of the same too

add a few characters and new levels and release as a new game or a new update

pretty lame if you ask me

i have played all of the games and they are fun but we are talking about graphics and if you ask me DOA3 is not leaps ahead of the competition - thats my opinion of course :)
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2001, 08:53:39 PM »
You can talk and talk and talk but I have never, and the Emperor means never, seen a game, any game for that matter, where a character\'s head will stay in one position and their eyeballs track the movements of their opponent.
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by DaRkGaMeR

VF4 looks dated? Me judging ****ty Gamesport screens...I got your answer right here. Nope, Have seen/played the game, as well as T4 and VF4 in the arcades.....Do you know me in real life troll? Nope, fraid not, so STOP assuming something that you don\'t know. Fastson is right, the people in DOA3 look like friggin plastic people, and FARRRR from real. I prefer SC\'s graphics to DOA3. DOA3 makes other games look dated? Nah, DOA3 doesn\'t look any better then SC on my dreamcast I\'m afraid.  Your entire post towards me sounds like SH!t. You can keep your **** plastic people DOA3, and I\'ll keep my Soul Calibur.  DOA3 looks far from awesome, and This is  coming from me, a ANTI DOA fan.  Don\'t believe me then queer****, because your just ASSUMING things, that aren\'t proven correct.

Is that all you could do is resort to name calling. Jeesh just admit you haven\'t played the game. I mean everyone knows it is the best looking game to come out to date. Is that so hard to see or you just have not seen the game in motion. And don\'t go quoting fastson because he does not even have an XBOX.
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2001, 07:35:36 AM »
Their heads move too.
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2001, 08:04:14 AM »

Offline Sublimesjg
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #38 on: December 07, 2001, 10:13:50 AM »
well yea IMO i dont think DOA3 is the most impressive graphics to date

that could just be me but for its genre it is but i can see a lot better and technically harder games being made on the Xbox and PS2 already

i just dont think that DOA3 deserves all this attention when its nothing but a rehashed game with two new people and better graphics

i know fighting games dont change much from one sequel to the next but they chage more then that at least

anyway jst saying its nice but stunning, no i dont think see myself
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Re: Well, well.
« Reply #39 on: December 07, 2001, 11:59:42 AM »
Originally posted by nickdaddyg
I read the 1st page on this thread. I forgot who said what so see below!

One of you is forgettign that this is a graphics discussion, and not a gameplay discussio.
One of you thinks Soul Caliber looks better! My ass!
I agree with whoever started this topic.
People should check out Xbox running on high definition flat screens for the full experience.

For Ajoh: DOA3 looks much better than Hardcore. I dont remember his name, but (lot\'s of people already know about this)
he exaclty quoted,"Only Xbox can handle DOA3." I\'ve seen it at IGN, Gamespot, EGM...

Exactly once you see doa3 on your TV screen its unmatched by anyother game.  Yes doa3 beats doa2hardcore graphics badly.
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Offline rastalant
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Originally posted by DaRkGaMeR

I\'m gunna look at this thread like this

*pisses on ALL OF rastalangs comments about DOA3*

Dude, this post sounds more like your I WORSHIP XBOX\'S GRAPHICS more then it does a comparison.

I have yet to see a DECENT comparison in ANY of your posts.

The right label for this post

*We should all worship Xbox\'s power like ole Rast here*:rolleyes:

BTW, I\'m joking around with you dude, don\'t take that serious, but I know a couple people that think that is what the thread SHOULD have been titled.

Nah............thats cool no hard feeling.  I don\'t worship xbox graphics I just think there the best on the market so far.  Its a great system so is ps2 with all its AAA titles.  Nah........its cool.
Terrorizing Nintendo fanboys and this forum with strange and odd opinions - 24/7!!!!

Offline Terry Bogard
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Originally posted by QuDDus

Is that all you could do is resort to name calling. Jeesh just admit you haven\'t played the game. I mean everyone knows it is the best looking game to come out to date. Is that so hard to see or you just have not seen the game in motion. And don\'t go quoting fastson because he does not even have an XBOX.

Once again, you are assuming things. I\'ll Admit to ACTUALLY playing it, if thats what you want. I still say this game doesn\'t impress me at all. The only big hur-rah that DOA3 has is its big enviroments, even playing those, they bore me to death. Ohh, there big, and lush. I don\'t care. Still to me, the game looks okay, to you, the game looks great.   QUIT ASSUMING THINKS okay.... Oh, and the reviews say this game is a Must have? Not to an Anti DOA person its not. Give me VF4 over Button mashing Doa3.

Offline ajoh432
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Originally posted by DaRkGaMeR

Once again, you are assuming things. I\'ll Admit to ACTUALLY playing it, if thats what you want. I still say this game doesn\'t impress me at all. The only big hur-rah that DOA3 has is its big enviroments, even playing those, they bore me to death. Ohh, there big, and lush. I don\'t care. Still to me, the game looks okay, to you, the game looks great.   QUIT ASSUMING THINKS okay.... Oh, and the reviews say this game is a Must have? Not to an Anti DOA person its not. Give me VF4 over Button mashing Doa3.
For Ajoh: DOA3 looks much better than Hardcore. I dont remember his name, but (lot\'s of people already know about this)
he exaclty quoted,"Only Xbox can handle DOA3." I\'ve seen it at IGN, Gamespot, EGM...
Must I fight you over this again? DOA3 can be made on PS2 also! Only little things would be downgraded... But nothing that would make is look horrible... It would look almost identical... Only idiots look at these differences... The game is almost the same as DOA2:H! Quit crying..
i just dont think that DOA3 deserves all this attention when its nothing but a rehashed game with two new people and better graphics
That\'s another thing that grips me... and makes me wanna puke... So little characters... So of course they can make the graphics look soo good.. But I guess that\'s vearing off of the point... Just, I think they need more characters..
why do people always compare DOA2 and DOA3
Because we are trying to show that not much has changed...
.... take the skin and peel and back...

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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2001, 03:06:12 PM »
I think the DOA series are getting pretty monotonous...
Bring it on woman!

Big Poppa Spam of The Spaminators

Offline Terry Bogard
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Is it me or after playing doa3, tekken 4 and vf4 look dated........
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2001, 03:19:16 PM »
Originally posted by OHMYGOD
I think the DOA series are getting pretty monotonous...


OHMYGOD, check your PM okay....

and I agree with your comment.


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