I think some of you have some serious emotional problems, for the simple reason you are overly insecure about playing game without adult theme\'s and enjoying yourselves. If half of you all took the time to play a game like Pikmin which is original and fun (more than can be said about most games now\'a\'days) you would realize a game doesn\'t have to be violent or mature to be FUN and isn\'t that why we started playing games in the first place? To have fun? I know that is how I started playing games.
As for the totally moronic comment about the PS2 being for gamers with "advanced skillz". That is total bull****. Ryu already pointed out one example of a GC game requiring skill (RS2), so I\'ll point out another one. Rent Pikmin and tell me if you can get all 40 parts in the "20 days" the game gives you on first try or without having to plan ahead.
Here is another double standard for all of you, it amazes me how esatic everyone was when Naughty Dog unveiled Jax and Dexter - an obvious clone of Mario 64! Yes, it is a great clone of Mario64 but it is still a clone of a "kiddie game". Hell, for that matter, none of you are complaining about Jax and Dexter being too "kiddie"... Oh, I forget.. It is on the PS2 therefor it isn\'t "kiddie".....