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Author Topic: Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!  (Read 681 times)

Offline pstwo
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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« on: December 27, 2001, 07:45:07 PM »
This game is like TMB only in water this time.  It\'s coming out this week.    :D

G.R.A.W 2
My MP7A1

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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2001, 08:04:53 PM »
Looks awesome.  Water looks good.
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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2001, 08:05:57 PM »
it looks good, im not so sure how the gameplay will be though.  I remember buying that Singletrac sumbarine game and man did it suck.  Im not sure how a boat "car combat" game will be.  The water looks freaking amazing.  I\'ll rent it first and see how the story and replay value is before i shell out another $50 on a game.
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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2001, 08:42:17 PM »
I don\'t know, I remember seeing the demo and thinking it was like water-textured pavement.  No watery motion that makes you go "ooh, watery," ya know?

Like in a cartoon when they paint a tunnel on a mountain.  Sure, it looks like a tunnel, but when you hit it, it acts completely different.

Unless you\'re the roadrunner.

One thing that I saw that seemed out of place but still interesting was two ramps in the water and the boat drove up one, did a vertical spin in the air (I think) and came down on the other ramp.  It was like an ocean quarter-pipe.  Could be cool if it adds to the gameplay as a way to dodge weapon fire, perhaps...  We\'ll see.

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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2001, 10:45:09 PM »
Ok I\'ve found someone who played the game for 3hr and heres his review: Thanks to  BlackJack33 at http://teamxbox.com/   :D

 BloodWake:hands on impressions after 3 hours of play
I live in Canada and yesterday I picked my copy of BloodWake
at my local Microplay.Here is my impressions after 3 hours of play.
The menu and presentation are good,but nothing spectacular.
There is absolutly no loading time in the menu,nice job.Let me tell
you that I am not a big fan of "twisted metal black" type of game
but I am very happy of my purchase so far.There is a story mode
and a battle mode,but sadly no link play...WHY???

In the story mode you have 3 difficulty level and a lot of missions
to do.You always have a voice that inform you on your progress:
The voice acting is very good and fit very well the mood of the
game.The variety of the missions is good as well:sometimes
you have to race arround an island,you have to find treasures
chest,protect friendly boats or.....destroy everything.
You even have to shoot at targets on the ground.

You also have a nice little map on screen that tell you where you
are as well as where to go next.it is very helpful because the areas are huge.
The loading time(when it load a mission or a battle arena)is very
good as well,about 10-15 sec.

The gameplay is top notch and there is also a big difference
between the feels of each boats.
There is 3 different view to chose from:far behind,close behind
and you also have a "hood" view.The "hood" view almost make me "motion sick",it is a little bit harder playing with this view
but the feeling you get is simply incredible.

Another very good thing about this game is the sense of speed
....don\'t laugh,it is really there, especially when you hit the
"boost" button.

For the battle, mode it is only split screen.You can play with up to
four friends.If you like you can put "Bots" in your battles.

Now,the graphics.......JAW DROPPING.
I have played with Wave Race on the Cube and I have also tried
Splashdown on the PS2,they both look beautiful and they have
nice water effects and a steady 30 FPS.....but BloodWake don\'t
have "nice" water and 30FPS....no no no ....BloodWake has the
most "spectacular" representation of water look and physics I
have ever seen in a videogame.There is simply no competition.
We`re very very close to "photo realism" here.
The water look so good that sometimes I forgot about my mission
and just ride the waves.

Now the framerate:ALWAYS 60FPS.With tons of actions,exlosions,
infinite draw distance,quick turns,thunderstorms,boost button hits

With graphics and framerate like this,this is a very good
demonstration of the processing power of the mighty XBOX.

note:these observations are made after playing the game in the
single player mode and the two players split screen battle mode.

The boats are also very detailed,you even see the engine parts
moving.Explosions are very well made too.
The sun,the sky,the fog,the rain also look incredible.

The only little drawback for the graphics is when you look at the land from very close the textures and details are kind of bland.
But as the action is so intense and in the middle of the water
it will never bother you.Like I said,it is only when you look at it
VERY close that you`ll notice,when you`re at about 10-15 foot
everything look perfect.

So far the FUN factor is high and I hope it will stay like that
as I go further in the game.

I hope that my impressions of BloodWake answers a couple
of questions you had and help you decide if you will buy it
or not.

WOW!! this game sounds real good!!  I\'m now picking it up. :D
G.R.A.W 2
My MP7A1

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Xbox: BLOOD WAKE Screens!
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2001, 04:27:20 AM »
Now the framerate:ALWAYS 60FPS.With tons of actions,exlosions,
infinite draw distance,quick turns,thunderstorms,boost button hits

Now that\'s what I wanted to hear.

Long live 60fps! :D


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