Well most controllers have a,b,c etc in a logical pattern across the pad so it\'s easy to find the correct button when told. But with the shapes garbage it makes learning the controller tougher. By now most people have figured it out, but my sister asked that very question over christmas when I was helping her play JD and really there is no good answer. It makes more sense to have it alphabetical, it was a illogical decision by Sony.
I thought the Nights controller was the Jap. Saturn one? If it isn\'t, then I meant the Nights one.
Yes the Nes and Snes controllers were terrible. The dual shock is just a natural progression--improved--of those early pads. I swear if we weren\'t all used to having our hands unnaturally bent to hold PS-like controllers we\'d all hate them. The GC controller is a great pad becasue it naturally fits into your hand. The xbox, to a lesser extent, does the same thing. The dual shock doesn\'t, not as well anyway.