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Author Topic: GeForce 4 info.......  (Read 1532 times)

Offline jm
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GeForce 4 info.......
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2002, 01:59:32 PM »
I really think the core MHz is purely a joke. It\'s really just a gimmic if you think about it.

The most important aspect in data through put is how fast the memory is able to function. Sure, having a high core frequency is a plus, but I\'d rather have X card with a 275/600 than a card with a 300/550.

With nVidia\'s LightSpeed memory design, it\'s able to perform at or higher than ATI\'s Radeon lineup, regardless of their "potiental" specs.  ATI thought they could buy the show with outrageous specs, thinking they can win the hearts of market share holders and customers, but once they released that product, they had such inadaquet drivers to go along with it. This is where nVidia has established itself in the market, being able to distribute "most" of the time  quality, functional, and fresh new optomizations. I take into respect that ATI has indeed improved, but playing catch up in the PC graphic market is a up hill climb all the way.

Now back to the subject. I feel as though this war will never end. Just take a look and tell me how many games fully utilize the Geforce technology. I mean all of it\'s nice features. I still respect the first GeForce 1 up until today. If nVidia wants to be top dog in this situation, it has to let developers take advantage over it\'s technology and fully implement it into it\'s games. If nVidia is constantly releasing something new and X company already chose Y technology when they released Z technology, analysis then claim the title being "outdated."

I think the summer will be very interesting when ATI\'s new flagship card is released and nVidia\'s. I highly ensure you that their flagship cards will come at a premium, but without doubt, the prices will come down with competition.

Also, how about them BitBoys! King of Vaporware!
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

Offline videoholic

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GeForce 4 info.......
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2002, 07:39:28 PM »
Originally posted by jm
I really think the core MHz is purely a joke. It\'s really just a gimmic if you think about it.

The most important aspect in data through put is how fast the memory is able to function. Sure, having a high core frequency is a plus, but I\'d rather have X card with a 275/600 than a card with a 300/550.

With nVidia\'s LightSpeed memory design, it\'s able to perform at or higher than ATI\'s Radeon lineup, regardless of their "potiental" specs.  ATI thought they could buy the show with outrageous specs, thinking they can win the hearts of market share holders and customers, but once they released that product, they had such inadaquet drivers to go along with it. This is where nVidia has established itself in the market, being able to distribute "most" of the time  quality, functional, and fresh new optomizations. I take into respect that ATI has indeed improved, but playing catch up in the PC graphic market is a up hill climb all the way.

Now back to the subject. I feel as though this war will never end. Just take a look and tell me how many games fully utilize the Geforce technology. I mean all of it\'s nice features. I still respect the first GeForce 1 up until today. If nVidia wants to be top dog in this situation, it has to let developers take advantage over it\'s technology and fully implement it into it\'s games. If nVidia is constantly releasing something new and X company already chose Y technology when they released Z technology, analysis then claim the title being "outdated."

I think the summer will be very interesting when ATI\'s new flagship card is released and nVidia\'s. I highly ensure you that their flagship cards will come at a premium, but without doubt, the prices will come down with competition.

Also, how about them BitBoys! King of Vaporware!

I have to admit I fell asleep about two sentences into this, but I had to chime in and say I want to make sweet love to your avatar JM.

Peace Out.
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GeForce 4 info.......
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2002, 03:44:04 AM »
Ill wait and see how the  ATI Radeon R300 (Developed By ArtX) turns out before purchasing this card.
I met him 15 years ago, I was told there was nothing left, no reason, no concious, no understanding and even the most rudamentory sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong, I met this 6 year old child with this blang pale emotionless face and, the blackest eyes, the devils eyes, I spent 8 years trying to reach him, and then another 7 trying to keep him locked up because I realised what was living behind that boys eyes was purly and simply evil.

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Offline jm
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GeForce 4 info.......
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2002, 11:56:43 AM »

You can thank MM for applying it, I felt I needed a new one.
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

Offline BizioEE

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GeForce 4 info.......
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2002, 02:18:38 AM »
Your so...your so sexy se se sexy... :facelick:
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Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!


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