I still don\'t see how you can say with certainty that the Xbox will outsell the PS2. Now, I don\'t know the future, and you could be right, that the Xbox will outsell the PS2. But in your post...
You know Bill Gates, he won\'t rest until he makes the XBox #1 console in the world, and the connections that he has with gaming companies and the like are tremendous.
And Sony is just going to allow Bill Gates to make the Xbox number 1? Which, the sentance about him and the connection witht he gaming company as tremendous? This is debatable. Maybe in the PC world where most of the "bought" companies were (talking about the companies that MS bought that became their first party line. Bungie, Oddworld [though their most famous game was on the PSX, I believe they were mostly a PC developer though], etc.) and companies that they have deals with for exclusive games, but in the console gaming industry (where most of the developers...well, many of the big developers at least...are
Japanese. I don\'t see the link between them and Bill Gates). That said, MS does have a lot of support from developers when it comes to the Xbox, but still, not to the point of Sony. And with the exception of a few (like Temco. But really, even they are still supporting the PS2) most will stay on the PS2, and at most, port a game to the Xbox. And you shouldn\'t forget Nintendo Gamecube. While they do not have the support of either the PS2 or Xbox, they are certainly friendly with the Capcom since they have Resident Evil
exclusively and the GC is selling like hot cakes in Japan thanks to SSB:M. While this doesn\'t mean anything to us here in the states (where the Xbox and GC are selling neck and neck, with if the reports are to be believed, the Xbox is selling more), in Japan at least, it will just make it even harder for the Xbox to take root there (you know, in Japan where most of the console developers are?).
Surely, gaming companies will carry on making games only for the PS2, and only for the Xbox as well as for both of them.
If you are saying that each systems will have exclusives from developers as well as multiplatform games, then I agree. And if anything, this just tells me not to count either system out, or either system selling better then the other and so forth.
But lets face it, the early Ps2 games weren\'t what we can say " a breakthrough" and only now they start making really impressive games. I think we both agree on that.
And this has any prevelance now because? This shows that PS2 had a slow start when it came to the games and quality. And I honestly do believe, that if the Xbox and the PS2 were to have launch at the same time, I would agree that the Xbox would not only outsell the PS2, but surpass it already and the Sony would really be in trouble! The thing is, that wasn\'t the case. The Xbox was released nearly a year after the PS2, when developers got a handle of the system (compare todays PS2 games to the launch games and you WILL see a big difference) given the advantage of the Xbox specs less prevenlent now.
I believe the same will happen to the xbox as well, in the following months we will see many much better looking games than the PS2, simply because the Xbox has MUCH BETTER Specs!
I agree to an extent. All systems require time for developers to truely get the best of the system. Some longer then others (i.e. PS2). And since the Xbox is more powerful (thanks to the time it was released. Which was a year later), yes the Xbox games will look better then PS2 games eventaully, will that matter? PS2 games look pretty much on par with Xbox games, and like the Xbox, the PS2 still has more room to grow (true, it will NEVER will have games that will look like the best Xbox game, but that DOES NOT mean that PS2 games won\'t look close to it). Also, while graphics are important in games (if it wasn\'t, we would all still be playing the SNES), it isn\'t the only thing gamers look at when deciding on a system. First, the amount of games, which the PS2 has. Second, quality. Afterall, arugably, GTA3 does not look as good as Shrek on the Xbox. Yet, to a gamer, which one would they chose? GTA3. It is not just about the graphics which is what you are assuming in this thread as to why the Xbox will overcome the PS2.
Another great example that shows that graphics are not the only thing gamers look at when buying a system, the PSX vs. N64. N64 had better graphics and is a more powerful system (afterall, why else would it keep reminding us that it is 64bits as opposed to 32 bits of the PSX?) yet most chose the PSX simply because, more games. It is all about the games, not the specs.
Its up to the developers to make a game that takes advantage of the capabilities of the Xbox, but IF they do, the games will have a better look. I can not say how enjoyable they will be, because this has nothing to do with the console. I still enjoy playing Tetris on my gameboy and its great fun! (maybe not tetris itself, but I think you know what I mean)
I agree, but what does this have to do with the Xbox selling more eventually? As I said before, the most powerful system doesn\'t always sell the most...because of the developers. If this tells me anything, don\'t count the PS2 out.