Let\'s see, who needs to shut up in here?
EVERYONE! Damn I can\'t stand wading through all the bitching.
XBox will never catch up to PS2. Ps2 sucked for the first 6 months. I have played my XBox much more than I did my PS2 when I first got it. After this Summer IMO, PS2 won\'t be able to touch XBox in graphics, games, or features. I don\'t see anything coming out for PS2 in the next 6 months that looks good, while XBox has everything a Sega fan, and more importantly gamer could want. All I have to say is Shenmue. Unfortunately for GC, it will get left in the dust of PS2 and Xbox. I don\'t see the little tyke crawling anywhere fast.
Everyone shut up. mm is just ****ing around with you.
Eric Jacob