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Author Topic: The truth about Sony fans....  (Read 1921 times)

Offline Tshirts
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The truth about Sony fans....
« on: January 24, 2002, 01:17:16 PM »
- A game is only good if it is on the PS2.....All of a sudden VF, NBA2K, Code Veronica, Crazi Taxi are "hot" games. Hmm, gee, I wonder why.

- CG graphics are real in-game shots....

- The only reason why they complain about the size of the Xbox controller is...well, you know what they say..."the size of your hands is also the size of your *bleep*" Personally, I find the controller TOO SMALL!

- All Sony fanboys undergo some sort of inferiority complex  sometime in their life. TRUE.

- A game with 20,000 more polygons is consider "revolutionary".

- The hate change. They like to play the same hash over crap year after year. Just as long as it has a number 2 next to the name and a "really cool" commercial....the next "hot" game is an updated Gran Turismo and Tekken 4...blah! Gawsh, don\'t you guys realize you have been playing the exact same gameplay for the past 6 years? How about something new for a f*ckin change! Think real hard. Would there be an evolution of platformers if there were no Mario, or fighting games if there were no SF2? Nothing has changed the past 6 years! NOTHING!

- They let magazines and websites dictate what is "good". Remember the old days guys? Nobody needed gay magazines or websites to tell us what is good or not. We actually went out and bought the games for ourselves, tried it, and see if we liked it or not. We didn\'t need a bunch of gaming geeks, who don\'t know sh*t about gaming in the first place and are biased as hell, to tell us what we should play and buy.

- A system with the most sold does not have the best games.  The more systems sold, the more commercialize the games will be, thus the more licensees, more commercials, and more CG FMVs - Nothing more.  A Superman64 sequel will likely have a better chance of a sequel than Bangaio.  The softwares will be safe, sure sellers; You will never see any risk-taking games that stray from the norm.  The more obscure, invigorating companies will jump to the GC or Xbox because there is a niche market.  The PS2 is home for commercialized games and nothing more.

Offline mm
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2002, 01:35:33 PM »

the ignorance is blinding!

at any rate, noone likes a troll.  including one that doesnt know wtf hes talking about.  keep it up and youll get the troll pic under yer name.  i also smell "copy and paste".  shame on you
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2002, 01:37:59 PM »
WOW! What is this all about? But this statement is true

"Gawsh, don\'t you guys realize you have been playing the exact same gameplay for the past 6 years?[/b]"

I\'ve notice this too.

Oh god you don\'t want that picture!
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Offline IronFist
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2002, 02:06:28 PM »
Tshirts, you\'ve really out done yourself this time.  I think this thread beats your "Why Twisted Metal Black Sucks" thread. :rolleyes: lol.

- A game is only good if it is on the PS2.....All of a sudden VF, NBA2K, Code Veronica, Crazi Taxi are "hot" games. Hmm, gee, I wonder why.

I\'ve heard this statement over and over again, and each time it sounds stupider and stupider.  Of course we will be anticipating games that are coming out on the system that we actually own.  When the VF series was on the Saturn and Dreamcast, us none Saturn/Dreamcast owners didn\'t bother wanting the VF game because we knew we would never get it.  Instead, we looked forward to the games that were coming out on the system that we owned.  Now that it\'s coming out to the PS2 though, those of us who couldn\'t ever get to play it before will finally get a chance to.  Can you blame us for being excited?

- A system with the most sold does not have the best games.  The more systems sold, the more commercialize the games will be, thus the more licensees, more commercials, and more CG FMVs - Nothing more.

Guess what.  Grand Theft Auto 3 has sold over 2 million copies in America so far and that game doesn\'t have any CG.  And this whole CG argument is really lame.  How many PS2 games can you think of that even have any CG in them?  You are really reaching trying to bash the PS2, but coming up way short.

And I think I need to help you out on this one.  The system with the most sold does not necessarily have the best games, but it does have the most support, which leads to having the best chance at having the best games.  And with the PS2\'s userbase at over 20 million, and the Xbox\'s only at 1.5 million, I like my odds.

You will never see any risk-taking games that stray from the norm. The more obscure, invigorating companies will jump to the GC or Xbox because there is a niche market. The PS2 is home for commercialized games and nothing more.

*cough* GTA3, State of Emergency, Devil May Cry, MGS2, Baldur\'s Gate *cough*  I think those games are far from "the norm."

The rest of that was just crap coming out of a Sony hater\'s mouth and isn\'t worth responding to.  BTW, are you related in any way to DEATHTOSONY on the GA forums?  You two are identicle.
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Offline fastson
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2002, 02:16:48 PM »
Yay.. He\'s back.. Im in for some really good entertainment..

Now where are my chips and coke?
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Offline Watchdog
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2002, 02:54:47 PM »
T-shirts that\'s pathetic, and I\'m one of the staunchest xbox supporters on this board.  Really, go away.
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2002, 04:03:51 PM »
- They let magazines and websites dictate what is "good". Remember the old days guys? Nobody needed gay magazines or websites to tell us what is good or not. We actually went out and bought the games for ourselves, tried it, and see if we liked it or not. We didn\'t need a bunch of gaming geeks, who don\'t know sh*t about gaming in the first place and are biased as hell, to tell us what we should play and buy.

I don\'t trust the opinions of fellow journalists telling me what I should buy and what I shouldn\'t buy.  For the most part, I use websites and magazines to obtain factual information about games and make my own choices about buying them.  However, there is a very obvious reason for why we research and obtain information about games today:

For every MGS2, for every Halo, for every Virtua Fighter 4, and for every other diamon in the rough game, there will be 3 or 4 Superman 64\'s, 3-4 Bouncers, and 3-4 Kabuki Warriors.  We do not have bottomless wallets and we do not have the ability to buy and tryout every game that "could" be "good."  Researching saves time, money, and headaches.  I don\'t want to have to blow 50 bucks on a game only to walk away hugely dissapointed.  Do you?
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Offline Ginko
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2002, 04:57:21 PM »
Ginko gets mental picture of Tshirts holding raw meat above starving dogs and then letting it go...

He\'s posted this in lots of other forums and I can\'t believe people actually take the time to reply to it...

Offline dajo
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2002, 05:32:09 PM »
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2002, 05:42:01 PM »
AH!! I still dont have a picture under my name!!!!!!
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2002, 06:02:23 PM »

Offline kopking
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2002, 03:14:21 PM »
actually i loved all resi game but thought code veronica sucked!!!

i also though crazy taxi was ok, not great, only a few level, i found after a days play everything was the same!!

never played vf, but it looks good!
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2002, 06:04:02 PM »
fastson I\'ll give you them.  Great I thought di**face was banned for good.  Well I\'m sure the Xbox games are just totally freaking awesome.  Excuse me but my PS2 gets more action than my Xbox..*blows the dust off the Xbox* hmm seems like PS2 is getting the games first...Onimishia, Silent Hill 2...Then Some Ginkia Onimishia and Shilent Hill 2: Restless Dreams...is there a difference?
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Offline Paul
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2002, 06:19:46 PM »
Hey! I know this guy! He\'s the troll from the LOTR the movie that end up slained by a bunch of hobbits!!! LOL!

Offline ooseven
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The truth about Sony fans....
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2002, 01:12:27 AM »

Hey T Shirt i hope it don\'t smell to bad with you HEAD up that Goats BUT.



quote done by Ginko
Ginko gets mental picture of Tshirts holding raw meat above starving dogs and then letting it go...

He\'s posted this in lots of other forums and I can\'t believe people actually take the time to reply to it...

sorry mate but i only replyed to test out my new TROLL picture on T shirt.


// ooseven laughs at the though of T-shirt killing himself and taking out hlaf his hown town with a sniper rifle if ever his X box brakes down.

i think it would sound something like this ........:D

T shirt " and thats Bill gates *BANG* , and Thats BILL GATES *BANG* , and Thats BILL GATES *BANG* , and Thats BILL GATES *BANG* now i am Bill gates *bang*.
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]


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