- A game is only good if it is on the PS2.....All of a sudden VF, NBA2K, Code Veronica, Crazi Taxi are "hot" games. Hmm, gee, I wonder why.
- CG graphics are real in-game shots....
- The only reason why they complain about the size of the Xbox controller is...well, you know what they say..."the size of your hands is also the size of your *bleep*" Personally, I find the controller TOO SMALL!
- All Sony fanboys undergo some sort of inferiority complex sometime in their life. TRUE.
- A game with 20,000 more polygons is consider "revolutionary".
- The hate change. They like to play the same hash over crap year after year. Just as long as it has a number 2 next to the name and a "really cool" commercial....the next "hot" game is an updated Gran Turismo and Tekken 4...blah! Gawsh, don\'t you guys realize you have been playing the exact same gameplay for the past 6 years? How about something new for a f*ckin change! Think real hard. Would there be an evolution of platformers if there were no Mario, or fighting games if there were no SF2? Nothing has changed the past 6 years! NOTHING!
- They let magazines and websites dictate what is "good". Remember the old days guys? Nobody needed gay magazines or websites to tell us what is good or not. We actually went out and bought the games for ourselves, tried it, and see if we liked it or not. We didn\'t need a bunch of gaming geeks, who don\'t know sh*t about gaming in the first place and are biased as hell, to tell us what we should play and buy.
- A system with the most sold does not have the best games. The more systems sold, the more commercialize the games will be, thus the more licensees, more commercials, and more CG FMVs - Nothing more. A Superman64 sequel will likely have a better chance of a sequel than Bangaio. The softwares will be safe, sure sellers; You will never see any risk-taking games that stray from the norm. The more obscure, invigorating companies will jump to the GC or Xbox because there is a niche market. The PS2 is home for commercialized games and nothing more.