Saw this on another forum...........guys check this out...."Yesterday I attended a chat with Microsoft\'s Seamus Blackley one of the top people on Microsoft\'s XBox team. Here are some of the questions I had that were answered :
Q: When will XBox officially go online
A: Online will be rolling out this year, and you\'ll be hearing more about the specifics starting this summer
Q: What do you think about people playing Halo online now via Gamespy?
A:I am stoked about the GameSpy portal-- it\'s really exiting for us on the Xbox team to see poeple are so into Halo that they will engineer their own "online service--" and great validation of our belief that online functionality has to be enabled from the start!
Q:When will XBox be available in Japan and how about Squaresoft?
A:Japanese launch is February 22, 2//22/02. I was just in Japan, in fact I have been there 31 times since we started Xbox in 2000, and I\'d have to say that Japanese developers and consumers are even more excited about Xbox that people here in the US... Final Fantasy-- gee I love that game... no comment though
Q: Any idea if Metal Gear Solid II will be released for Xbox
A:There\'s a custom verson of MGSII coming for Xbox from Konami"
A custom version of mgs2? Hmmmmm............thoughts.