Personally, I\'m looking forward to Ninja Gaiden, Brute Force, Panzer Dragoon, and Shenmue. I bought the console for Halo though.
You speak as if PC games are bad. PC ports tend to be bad, but ports of any nature tend to be of poor quality. And if you look at those PC ports, you can bet that most of them are going to the PS2 as well.
But PC games are great IMO--they are much different from console games. I am eager to see what MS does with Mechwarrior and Crimson Skies and what ID does with the system.
My G/F\'s brother has the GC and it has some interesting/fun games. If you\'ve always liked Nintendo, they haven\'t changed and you\'ll enjoy it. I prefer the PS2 and xbox style, but the GC is an inexpensive (relatively) alternative. And I still say it is the most comfortable controller on the market.