I\'m not going to post a long reply this time.. I\'m not going to post a long reply.. I\'m not.. okay, let\'s go.
Bob: Nintendo didn\'t screw up big time, IMO. They haven\'t "lost" any developers that we know of. I stated that Tecmo and Konami are stubborn, but in fact
they are both working on GCN software. The problem is, the stuff they\'re providing is probably not on the level of a Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania title.. yet. Heck, Nintendo is so darned secretive that
if Tecmo did have a Ninja Gaiden game going.. Nintendo would try to strong-arm them into announcing it at E3 or SW2002 instead of say, right now.
As for Capcom porting RE1/RE4 to PS2.. I think you\'ve been jumping to conclusions here. Just because Capcom executives have said "oh, if GCN isn\'t doing well enough.. we might have to port the game".. it doesn\'t mean much. Remember when Hiroshi Yamauchi said that the GCN would never launch if it wasn\'t well-accepted at E3 last year?
You mention GCN\'s comparatively poor sales in Japan.. well then, my dear friend Bobby, the situation hasn\'t changed much! (unfortunately)
What does Nintendo have in Japan now? 7, 8 games? That is
nothing compared to the PS2\'s lineup. If Nintendo made one mistake, that\'s it right there. Although, 2 games were able to sell 700,000 GCN units a few months ago (SSBM and Pikmin) so I\'m guessing it doesn\'t take much to move systems. I\'m guessing that RE1 will move at least 200,000 GCN units and prove to Japanese disbelievers that GCN has a chance to stay for the long-term. (and to prove that it\'s technologically better than PS2)