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Author Topic: Xbox Update: Gun Metal  (Read 838 times)

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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« on: February 08, 2002, 06:38:37 PM »
This title is coming out great.  It\'s about time there is a Mech game.  :)  

   Majesco recently released a batch of new screens from their upcoming Xbox shooter, Gun Metal. Scheduled for release this June in America, the game centers on a futuristic weapon capable of land and air battle. Specifically, players can freely transform between a walking mechanized fighter and a jet aircraft. The finished version will feature twenty-five diverse missions built around wholly interactive environments. Therein, players can uproot trees, knock over buildings and raise mayhem across vast lands. Graphically the game looks pretty impressive thus far, check it out for yourself below.

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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2002, 06:40:22 PM »
Graphically the game looks pretty impressive thus far, check it out for yourself below.

So how well does it play, really?
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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2002, 06:45:55 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

So how well does it play, really?

I\'m not sure about gameplay yet but I found some great details of the game for you.


*Freely transform from powerful mech to highly maneuverable jet fighter

*Walk, run, jetpack or fly over a variety of breathtaking landscapes

*Extensive armory of spectacular and devastating weaponry

*Completely interactive environments: crush rocks, fell trees, tear chunks from buildings and raze entire settlements to the ground

*Take the fight to the enemy hordes as you progress through 25 diverse and engaging missions

*Battle extensive variety of enemy units ranging from scuttling foot soldiers to monstrous battle fortresses

*Interact with herds of animals that inhabit environments, trample forests and blunder into battle

*Utilize intelligence information relayed to you in the heat of a skirmish

*Assist the remaining battalions of allied forces as they take make their last stand.
G.R.A.W 2
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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2002, 06:46:11 PM »
Does anyone remember Thexder for the PC way back in the 80s?  It was made by Sierra.

I absolutely loved this game, and GM looks like Thexder in 3d.

I\'m not so worried about the control, Ryu, what I\'m worried about is the battel system.  I read somewhere that you get surrounded, jump into the air, and shoot in your wake.  Repeat.

This would be a terrible waste and a bad expereice.  I am holding out for SEGA magic though, and hope it turns out great.

SEGA doesn\'t often dissapoint, but this game looks too good to be true.
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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2002, 06:51:26 PM »
Well the graphics are great.(which is expected) Now all the game needs is multi-player and great gameplay and I\'m sold. Well decent gameplay will sell me if the multi-player kicks ass.
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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2002, 06:52:00 PM »
I\'m not so worried about the control, Ryu, what I\'m worried about is the battel system. I read somewhere that you get surrounded, jump into the air, and shoot in your wake. Repeat.

This would be a terrible waste and a bad expereice. I am holding out for SEGA magic though, and hope it turns out great.

SEGA doesn\'t often dissapoint, but this game looks too good to be true.

Erm, it sounds like these comments were directed towards my Gun Vakyrie comments in another thread.  The game plays exactly like you described according to IGN and gamespot with controls that "control you" rather than vice versa.  Just sounds strange.  We\'ll see though.

As for Gun Metal, I dunno.  Looks like another poor attempt to rip off the Macross franchise.  People just don\'t understand that to make a successful mech combat game, you need tons of blistering speed.  Who cares if you\'re big and bulky if you move like a brick on concrete?
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Xbox Update: Gun Metal
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2002, 07:23:04 PM »
Looks like a super crazy version of cyber or battle morph to me.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
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