PStwo,I see what you\'re trying to say, the time PS2 and the Xbox systems launch, it took PS2 to have amazing AAA games awile to get where it is now and the Xbox took only 3 months to have some AAA games? Is that it? =)
Woah, woah, woah. Are you trying to say that Wreckless was an AAA game? Heh, going by that definition of AAA, Shrek would also be considered an AAA game.
The Xbox does have an AAA game though -- Halo.
Ginko,DC came out in what? Nov. 1998 in Japan and Sept. 1999 in US. PS2 out a year a half later with jaggies, framerate issues, etc. What\'s PS2\'s excuse??
Sony was trying something new. That\'s their excuse. Without companies taking risks, this industry will not grow. I don\'t know if Sony\'s risk will turn out to be worth while or not, but at least they are playing around with new ideas.
And like I said, it wasn\'t until a year later you saw what the PS2 was actually capable of (Devil May Cry) then a whole year and 3 months until Gran Turismo 3 and FFX...
Correction: GT3 and FFX came before DMC.
Way past? You and I both know that isn\'t true... All the above you mentioned except SSX had framerate issues and were only average rated games at best.
Timesplitters didn\'t have framerate issues either -- smooth 60 fps even in 4 player deathmatch with 10 bots.
And who is the one who decides what games are good or not? I loved Timesplitters. IMO, it is the best console multiplayer FPS. Does it matter if it got in the 8\'s from reviewers (yes, it was also rated pretty high). Of course not. The main thing is that I liked it (or in MM\'s case, he liked it).