ok, so i went to cd warehouse [my fav store] to look for new DVD\'s as i had an 9$ off punch card and they had a copy of wreckless, so i picked it up for 11$ [they sell PS2, NGC and xbox games for 20$]
i dig arcade racing games like these, so i figured why not
i dont find the game boring like others [npyyz], and the special effects are pretty cool, but....
am i playing this on the N64?
it distracts from the entire game
im assuming its a developer issure and not an xbox shortcoming
the music = lame, and the car sound effect [exhaust] are a joke
the cut scenes are VERY stupid, and the menus are plain
so, if u like driving around and smashing stuff up and dont are about ANY other aspect of gaming, pick this one up
oh, one last thing
they dont even frickin say the word "yakuza" right in the game
it\'s not pronounced like "yakOOza", morons :rolleyes: