Titan, your last 3 or 4 posts are a summation of all the ignorance of every anti-mormon site on the net. Basically, anything you hear about our church by a n0n-member will be false or have a negative overtone to it.
People act like we are strange and our practices are far out. Go to Barnes and Noble and read some of their "General" religion books, they won\'t mention our church, and if they do, it will be grossly inaccurate or very negative. You have also shown how every anti-mormon acts when we explain when they are wrong.
"I don\'t recall bringing my social studies teacher into this", Iron showed you otherwise and you didn\'t even acknowledge it, you just moved on, which is what they all do, move on to the next thing. And everytime we disprove some idiot, another 8 pop up, it is like some sort of Whack-an-Idiot game.
Eric Jacob