I\'ve for one, years ago, read the Bible(the new and old testaments, King James, and again the old testament Law-Prophets-Writings with a hebrew translation), the book of mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants (JC church of latter-day saints), the Koran (teachings of Islam), the Tao-te-ching (The Way and it\'s Power - Chinese, taoism, living free of desire), and the Veda (Hinduism). I tried to read them all with an open mind.
1) I still get phonecalls from the JCCoLDS, about the bible, book of mormon, and doctrine books they sent me (for free). I get a visit every two months or so from a couple of like-aged boys who want to talk to me about my religeon (or lack thereof ....). This leads me into point....
2) After studying many of the worlds major religeons, I came to the following conclusion, which I have maintained for the last 4-5 years or so.
I believe that ALL the religeons are simmilar, in that they use (untrue, mythical, or exagerated) stories to get good, strong points across. Usually these points are about good morals, life lessons, or faith. All of which I have, without any organized religeon, by the way.
I believe that non of the religeons have satisfactorally explained to me the role of GOD(s), or why he would choose to create us, give us free will, and not make certain things, like religeon, a clear choice. I believe if I lead a normal, moral life, without, say, absolving of my sins (for lack of a better word) to a church, person, or God(s), I will still be good in the eyes of God(s). If there is an afterlife (who knows?), then I believe I will reach \'heaven\' or whatever you consider the final resting place of the faithfull.
I want to make this clear, I don\'t believe in God(s), I don\'t disbelieve in God(s). I don\'t pray, but I don\'t mind being around those who do. I do believe that there are forces in the universe far greater than any of our comprehensions. That is my faith.
As I said, I\'ve had long talks about this point of view with many devout people, of many faiths, but even so, I\'ve never been satisfactorally answered by any of the organized religeous practices. As such, I doubt I can change your wourld views, and I doubt you can change mine, but I wanted to express this opinion.