Well pstwo and TheOgodlyThlng, I would love to stay here and defend
my opinion, but I\'ve got better things to do, EDIT: like debunking your arguments. (Heh. I really don\'t have anything better to do.)
TheOgodlyThlngLOL, I can\'t believe you just said that, what a JOKE! Graphics is what is driving the whole business in video game companies.
Sure graphics are important, but not to the extent you are making them out to be. Graphics DO NOT drive this industry. We can do comparisons of every generation since gaming started, and in every case, the console with better graphics never came out on top. The weaker, uglier system always did better (or just as good in the Genesis/SNES era). How can that be if graphics are what drives this industry?
Why did DOA3 sell like crap compared to Halo? It had unbelievable graphics, so it should have been the top seller last year. Why did GTA3 shoot to the top of the charts (already selling over 4 million copies worldwide)? Is it because of the unbelievable slowdown, or the beautiful low polygonal people (relatively speaking)? How come The Bouncer was one of Square\'s biggest flops? It\'s graphics were unprecedented at the time. Why did the PS2 sell more than the Xbox and NGC
combined in the last couple months of last year? Why is the PS2
still selling more than the Xbox and NGC combined this year? It\'s graphics are obviously a lot more jaggie. How come the PSone sold just as much as the NGC in the 3rd week of January? (about 10 thousand each)
I\'ll tell you why. Because people, even the non-hardcore gamers, look past the graphics.
Why do you think SONY corp. and NVIDIA and the rest are spending millions on creating new graphics chips that allow us to close in the gap between game\'s and reality
They are not only making newr graphics chips, but completely new ways of developing games. The CELL (Sony\'s and IBM\'s newest chip in development) is obviously going to be able to handle better graphics. But even more importantly, it will be able to handle better gameplay. Do you think games like Dynasty Warriors 3 and State of Emergency could be done on the PSX, Saturn, or N64? Of course not. There is way too many characters on screen at once and, a bigger problem, way too much AI to process at once for those older, less powerful systems.
And even though you were not replying to me, I\'m still going to respond to it:
BS!!! Then why don\'t you go play your SNES or Atari. If what you said were really true then we would still be playing with our SEGA Geneses and stuck in the 16-bit era.
That argument is so lame. He was obviously not saying, "graphics don\'t matter in games and I think all games should be made pong style." But he was saying that at the point that graphics are at today, is there really a need for them to get better? Will that really make the game that much funner to play?
BTW TheOgodlyThlng, it\'s good to have you back.
What\'s up with your post count though?
PStwo:IMO, graphics will just get better and better. Do you think the PS3 will have bad graphics and great gameplay?
No, I think the PS3 will have great graphics and even
better gameplay. Especially with online gaming being the standard then.
Do you still think the MS post bad screens shots? You better see Wreckless on your tv because it looks much better then a screen shot.
I didn\'t say MS did. (even though they do sometimes). I said some individual developers do. And I know Wreckless has some wonderful graphics, but are they as high res as the original pics were? Heh, I didn\'t think so.