Firstly, according to some detail review and explanation done at, a highly respectable PC and hardware review site, there is NO CURRENT X-BOX games thats use FSAA.
Even on the PC, most people don\'t use FSAA even when using Gforce 3 card coz it takes too much resources and slows frame rates significantly - even to unplayable level, however, on the PC most people can just crank up their resolution higher to overcome this problem. I always play my game at 800x600 on my 15" monitor where possible and basically, there really is no aliasing issues unless you wanna pause the game and stare hard at the screen(for what!!!!!???).
Now back to gameplay and graphic issues. I\'m a supporter of gameplay over graphics anyday. This doesn\'t means graphics is not important. I can enjoy a game with average graphics but good gameplay but not the other way round. great graphics with stinky gameplay.
Example, IMO, ShenMue is a piece of graphic marvel but the gameplay(if there\'s any in it) stinks big time. I\'ll rather play Panzer Dragoon Saga on my Saturn anyday in all it\'s low res and jaggie glories.
AS for the PS2, I\'ve to admit the early games are really crap looking...I think it\'s not only the jaggie that\'s the problem but the horrible shimmering. Some of the worst I\'ve seen included DOA2:HC and another game what zit name? Portal Runner(the shimmering is so bad that the main character looks like been chop up into little bits of pixels).
However, the recent PS2 games have all but solved this problem. I\'d read somewhere that Baldur\'s Gate:Dark Alliance is one of the first PS2 games that uses FSAA. I\'ve played the game and the graphics are really looking clean.
Lastly, I think all these graphics argument are really waste of time coz in the end, the PC will have the beefiest hardware provided if u have the cash.
And that is why I guess I\'ll alwasy enjoy console gaming more. Coz console games place more importance in gameplay and innovation compared to the average PC games.