What I want ? More power for a greater freedom in the actions...
...so...there\'re only 2 solutions :
1) Developers will sacrifice graphics and focus on Gameplay,collision-system,physics,AI,animations,complex and interactive environments!
2) Developers won\'t sacrifice graphics and BizioEE will have to wait PS3 for what he wants
(joking aside,Hope Sony won\'t force developers to stress graphics to "compete" with the XBox in this department,sacrificing inevitably the game-play and longevity...it should be dangerous...and damaging for us PS2 gamers...)
I was thinking the same of Bobs_Hardware...and when I saw The Bouncer for the first time...and even later on...I was pretty sure it was the game I was waiting for...a fighting game with "freedom",in huge and complex environments,where the fighters were free to use the objects they found in the environments...chairs,tables,sticks,etc...and this idea came to my mind after seeing the first fighting Tech Demo of Square,where a lot of characters were fighting even at different levels,upstairs,downstairs,using the objects they found...it was cool,but....the final game...well...turned into a BIG DELUSION !
Paradoxically,The Bouncer whould have had to be like the first Tech Demos !