Originally posted by GigaShadow
Didn\'t the Mormans fire on Federal Troops in the 1800\'s somewhere near Salt Lake City? Nice Olympics BTW!
Hmmm... I am not sure about that one. I haven\'t heard anything like that before. It would be understandable if they did though, because they were probably just trying to stop being pushed around. But it\'s not like they were rebelling against the country or anything, so it\'s not very likely that they attacked federal troops.
And yeah, the Olympics rocked. There were more controversial things than ever before. And the Russians are crybabies.
I am surprised that we did not get attacked by terrorists. I guess now that America is so POed the terrorists have decided to stay under the radar for a while.
Fastson, yeah, I\'ve heard that they are a lot slower. The anime forum and other non-gaming IGN forums have come to a near stop with no more than a handful of posts per day.