Well, contrary to me believing the system would have at least sold out at launch and contrary to the screenshot fiasco and the overly glaring possibility of its popularity from a few launch pictures, the Xbox is not faring too well in Japan. In fact, it\'s doing much worse then I thought it would be doing which is sort of sad, but at the same time, expected. Sales should pick up soon, but we\'ll see. Here\'s some information from IGNinsider regarding it. I will only give one screenshot and a few quotes from Insider regarding it. Maybe someone else can host the images on their servers and post them here, I won\'t do it though.
First, the quote to end all quotes:
From Anoop Gantayat, IGN Japan:
And so, at long last, the Xbox was available for all to buy. Shortages? Panic in the streets of Tokyo? Not by a long shot. Touring a few retailers revealed a plentiful supply of systems and product. You could go into Laox, for instance, and pick up a special edition unit off the shelf.
Damn, if AlteredBeast\'s launch numbers of 250,000 units is correct for the Japanese launch, and a minority of those being Special Edition systems, then this is really bad for MS.
Now, here\'s an image of a setup at a store in Akihabara, Japan in the middile of the day after the launch "fiasco."
Well, that\'s the main gaming area of Japan stocking a limited amount of systems in the middile of the day, with no customers in site. *Sigh* This could be bad...