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Author Topic: Chipset news  (Read 4195 times)

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2002, 10:13:11 AM »
>"You\'re right...it\'s so easy"

Glad you agree :D

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2002, 10:50:24 AM »
I still think xbox has had as many good titles, my point was that it does no good in arguing about it because in 3 months how many titles do you need/buy?

You Chrono are so biased, so quick to discredit anyone saying anythign positive about xbox that in the absense of logic, fact or a decent argument you revert to semantics--(eg.  "look how clever I am, I found a small contradiction in your post!  Therefore I must be right!").  Well done Chrono.

How many truly good titles has PS2 had since Nov?  Maybe a 15-20?.  I named how many for xbox?  How many games have you bought since then?

That\'s my point, and no matter how hard you may try to find a spelling error or contradiction in my post, that\'s all I\'ve said.
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« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2002, 10:55:55 AM »
Just to comment on the original post of this thread:

I would like to raise the question; why did it get this price? How do they judge the chip-set? And as IronFist pointed out: why is PS2 still in it (it came out in 2000)?

"The unified system architecture of the Xbox gave the system capabilities unmatched by the competition, such as full-time antialiased graphics, vertex and pixel shading support, real-time Dolby(TM) Digital 5.1 encode and support for high-definition output."

I just love that quote. Especially the fulltime antialiased graphics... definately unmatched. :rolleyes: reading quotes like this one just makes me wonder how credible this award is. Sounds more like what MS said a few months before Xbox launched.

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« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2002, 10:59:51 AM »
Xbox Exclusive "good" games:
Halo, Gothem, DOA3,  Amped (82.6%),  Fever (81.7%)

Xbox games that are also on the ps2 that are good:
Madden, NHL 2002, Genma Onimusha, Silent Hill 2, F1 2001, Max Payne, THPS3

Games you thought were quality, but are currently averaging under 80% (Using the rounddown function)
Inside Drive
Tony Hawk\'s 2x

Wow, what a quality list if you take out the BS
« Last Edit: February 25, 2002, 11:11:46 AM by Chrono »

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2002, 11:07:28 AM »
Here is a list of ps2 exclusive quality titles: Round Down Function Also Used

90% and over:

Grand Theft Auto 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Virtua Fighter 4
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
Final Fantasy X
Devil May Cry
Twisted Metal: Black
Hot Shots Golf 3

80% and Over:

Jak & Daxter
NBA Street
Red Faction
Ace Combat 4
High Heat 2003
Baldur\'s Gate: Dark Alliance
Klonoa 2: Lunatea\'s Veil
ATV Offroad Fury
Tekken Tag Tournament
Time Splitters
Drakan: The Ancients\' Gate
Dynasty Warriors 3

That Enough? (I can actually get a few more...)

Now Compare it to the Xbox Exclusive Titles

90% and over


80% and over

Dead or Alive 3
Project Gotham Racing
NHL Hitz 2002
NFL Fever 2002

There ya go..
« Last Edit: February 25, 2002, 11:18:17 AM by Chrono »

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2002, 11:22:14 AM »
Firstly, it is irrelevent if they are on other systems.  A good game is a good game.  Secondly, those games are better on xbox--better graphics, added content, better framerates, etc.  Better.

JSRF is getting great reviews from everywhere.   Tony Hawk is a great game. The only reason it only got above average reviews is because TH3 is out and it is a compilation.  For people without the first 2, it is a great title.  Wreckless has had as many really good reviews as average; as for ID, it either got excellent reviews or average.

I\'m sure if I was as driven to promote the xbox as you are to discredit it, I could compile a larger list.  Unfortunately, I can\'t be bothered.  

Right now I\'m playing my PS2 more (Maximo), but overall, since Nov. I\'ve played xbox much more and purchased more games for it.  Unlike you, I have a basis for my argument.  Unlike you I have real first hand knowledge.  I can back my opinions with first hand experience.  I can argue with Ryu or mm and take their opinions and have a debate, but a little fanboy like you who irrationally hates xbox because it is made by MS cannot debate, only reach within his closed mind and pull out review scores and hope they are accurate while clinging to his PS2 because that is all he knows.

You can say what you want about [insert xbox game title here], but you\'ve never played it and so your opinion is irrelevent.
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« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2002, 11:23:56 AM »
I said since November, since xbox\'s release.  I could care less what was released a year and a half ago.

Someone doesn\'t buy a PS2 today and buy TTT, they buy MGS or GTA3.
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Offline Chrono
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« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2002, 11:30:07 AM »
>"Firstly, it is irrelevent if they are on other systems."

Yes it is.. your kidding yourself if its not

>" A good game is a good game. Secondly, those games are better on xbox--better graphics, added content, better framerates, etc. Better."

Sometimes they are, but you also get to wait 6 months, while most of the ps2 users have already beat the game :laughing:

>"JSRF is getting great reviews from everywhere."
Where? and what what planet?

Electronic Gaming Monthly  7.67 out of 10
Game Informer  7 out of 10

>"Tony Hawk is a great game."
Yes it is, but we have been playing it online for many months, while you got to play outdated THPS2... see the patern yet?

>"The only reason it only got above average reviews is because TH3 is out and it is a compilation. For people without the first 2, it is a great title."
What THPS fan did not yet have 2?
and that reason for getting low scores is not a good reason ROFL

>"Wreckless has had as many really good reviews as average; as for ID, it either got excellent reviews or average. "

Really? LOL, again, what planet are you on?

Gaming Target   2/15/2002 7.6 out of 10 76.0%
Electronic Gaming Monthly   2/20/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Gamer Web   2/21/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Electric Playground   2/12/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Game Revolution   2/20/2002 15 out of 20 75.0%
Game Rankings   2/20/2002 74 out of 100 74.0%
Wired Lounge   2/15/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
GamePen  2/4/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
Avault  2/9/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
Game Spot  2/7/2002 6.8 out of 10 68.0%
Gaming Age  2/4/2002 13 out of 20 65.0%
Operation Sports   2/10/2002 62 out of 100 62.0%
Planet 42   2/24/2002 2.5 out of 5 50.0%

>"I\'m sure if I was as driven to promote the xbox as you are to discredit it, I could compile a larger list. Unfortunately, I can\'t be bothered. "

Then do it, cause I included every xbox game that score above 80 and 90% respectivly..

>"Unlike you, I have a basis for my argument. Unlike you I have real first hand knowledge. I can back my opinions with first hand experience."
Now this is hillarious..
I have facts, do you have facts?
I have compliations of tens of reviews from across the internet.. you have an opinion.. feel special?

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« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2002, 11:41:38 AM »
Okay, then I can list about 200 games for the SNES or PSX that recieved 80s or over, what would that proove?  My point is that the xbox is producing as many good games as the PS2 is.

I ahve played these games, you haven\'t.  That\'s pretty good wouldn\'t you say?  Or how about this.  read some of your reviews about Wreckless and how many of the mention GTA3?  Quite a few of them.  They don\'t like Wreckless because of what it isn\'t, not for what it is.  It is a good arcade racing game.  And like I said, you are being selective with you review list (half of those site I\'ve never heard of)--I have seen several 80 and 90+ scores for Wreckless(I\'m pretty sure IGN agve it a great score, but I can\'t remember what it was right now).  Leave them out for any particualr reason?  Oh yeah you are a close minded fanboy.  I forgot for a moment.  Feel special?
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2002, 11:56:53 AM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
Okay, then I can list about 200 games for the SNES or PSX that recieved 80s or over, what would that proove?  My point is that the xbox is producing as many good games as the PS2 is.

I ahve played these games, you haven\'t.  That\'s pretty good wouldn\'t you say?  Or how about this.  read some of your reviews about Wreckless and how many of the mention GTA3?  Quite a few of them.  They don\'t like Wreckless because of what it isn\'t, not for what it is.  It is a good arcade racing game.  And like I said, you are being selective with you review list (half of those site I\'ve never heard of)--I have seen several 80 and 90+ scores for Wreckless(I\'m pretty sure IGN agve it a great score, but I can\'t remember what it was right now).  Leave them out for any particualr reason?  Oh yeah you are a close minded fanboy.  I forgot for a moment.  Feel special?

Watchdog :)...I\'m getting an US XBox in a few days...can\'t wait...
...I was thinking of Halo and Rallisport...or PG...not so sure...

You\'re right,XBox is getting a lot of good games...I think we shouldn\'t waste our time to reply to blind and scared fanboys:)
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« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2002, 12:03:20 PM »
BizioEE, yeah, but I bored at work...

Anyway, Halo is wonderful, the best game I\'ve played in a long time.  PGR is also really good, I haven\'t played Ralisport, but the graphics are nice and MS is really behind it so I\'m optimistic.  I\'ve got my hands full with PGR though so I probably won\'t pick it up--I think I\'m going to buy Maximo this week--it\'s Ghosts and Goblins all over again and I love it (not as good or as hard as the original but it\'s still good).

PS2 and xbox is a great combo, I\'m sure you\'ll be happy with it.
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Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2002, 12:14:19 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
BizioEE, yeah, but I bored at work...

Anyway, Halo is wonderful, the best game I\'ve played in a long time.  PGR is also really good, I haven\'t played Ralisport, but the graphics are nice and MS is really behind it so I\'m optimistic.  I\'ve got my hands full with PGR though so I probably won\'t pick it up--I think I\'m going to buy Maximo this week--it\'s Ghosts and Goblins all over again and I love it (not as good or as hard as the original but it\'s still good).

PS2 and xbox is a great combo, I\'m sure you\'ll be happy with it.

Yeah! ;)

I know...Ghosts\'n\'Goblins was one of my favourite arcade...I\'d have loved a polygonal 2D Ghosts\'n\'Goblins on PS2...but:( ...they did it in 3D...still thinking of getting Maximo though...
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« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2002, 04:00:09 PM »
Originally posted by jm
NYYPZ, til you\'ve ranked "above average" on this message forum, I don\'t think you have the ability to judge anyone yet nor have the right in calling other people dumbasses:rolleyes: . Shame...


jm , I will respond in any manner I see fit. If I am attacked I will attack back. I don\'t live my life by some meaningless ranking on a message board .  Many of you have responded to my posts, and you are not even reading what I have said in my posts. You get so offended by the fact that there is another console out now that is as good, or in my opinion better then the PS2,  all you can do is respond with name calling, and you really don\'t even seem to read or understand what I am saying. And you seem to forget the Fact that I own a PS2. Is it that wrong to like the XBOX more?

Example: bobs_hardware responds, QUOTE:   " your a complete idiot if you dont understand the point mm was making.."

Now what the IDIOT bobs_hardware doesn\'t seem to realize is I was responding to sonyfan, not mm, which anyone with the slightest bit of brainpower should be able to figure out since I had his quote at the beginning of my post.
Example 2: From the mind that is so stupid it is scary, PSX_J
Comes:     QUOTE: "XBox isn\'t jack chit yet so keep yer mouth shut till u have something to brag bout, right now PS2 has all the great games and support. When Xbox finally redeems it\'s self then u can talk."

See how the braindead have to go on the defensive? Attacking me because they know the XBOX is a very good console. Hey PSX_J I have no need to brag about the XBOX. I know how good it is. How old are you anyway 10 or so? Also what do you mean when the XBOX redeems it\'s self? Put the crack pipe down dude!!!!
Xbox - live it......

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« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2002, 04:02:06 PM »
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

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« Reply #44 on: February 25, 2002, 04:07:44 PM »
I agree with MM :D


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