>"Firstly, it is irrelevent if they are on other systems."
Yes it is.. your kidding yourself if its not
>" A good game is a good game. Secondly, those games are better on xbox--better graphics, added content, better framerates, etc. Better."
Sometimes they are, but you also get to wait 6 months, while most of the ps2 users have already beat the game

>"JSRF is getting great reviews from everywhere."
Where? and what what planet?
Electronic Gaming Monthly 7.67 out of 10
Game Informer 7 out of 10
>"Tony Hawk is a great game."
Yes it is, but we have been playing it online for many months, while you got to play outdated THPS2... see the patern yet?
>"The only reason it only got above average reviews is because TH3 is out and it is a compilation. For people without the first 2, it is a great title."
What THPS fan did not yet have 2?
and that reason for getting low scores is not a good reason ROFL
>"Wreckless has had as many really good reviews as average; as for ID, it either got excellent reviews or average. "
Really? LOL, again, what planet are you on?
Gaming Target 2/15/2002 7.6 out of 10 76.0%
Electronic Gaming Monthly 2/20/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Gamer Web 2/21/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Electric Playground 2/12/2002 7.5 out of 10 75.0%
Game Revolution 2/20/2002 15 out of 20 75.0%
Game Rankings 2/20/2002 74 out of 100 74.0%
Wired Lounge 2/15/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
GamePen 2/4/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
Avault 2/9/2002 3.5 out of 5 70.0%
Game Spot 2/7/2002 6.8 out of 10 68.0%
Gaming Age 2/4/2002 13 out of 20 65.0%
Operation Sports 2/10/2002 62 out of 100 62.0%
Planet 42 2/24/2002 2.5 out of 5 50.0%
>"I\'m sure if I was as driven to promote the xbox as you are to discredit it, I could compile a larger list. Unfortunately, I can\'t be bothered. "
Then do it, cause I included every xbox game that score above 80 and 90% respectivly..
>"Unlike you, I have a basis for my argument. Unlike you I have real first hand knowledge. I can back my opinions with first hand experience."
Now this is hillarious..
I have facts, do you have facts?
I have compliations of tens of reviews from across the internet.. you have an opinion.. feel special?