Anyone get the new official Xbox magazine? Did you read the Seamus Blackley interview...from Japan.
My favorite part
"We started working on the Xbox version, and the first thing that I thought when I saw it running was how it seemed like games on the other systems were viewed through the wrong prescription glasses."-Namco
Another highlight is where he says he visited a " very respected developement team, a team that has been instrumental to the success of another platform, and ultimately a team that has decided to move to Xbox. This is a project that they have been dreaming of for a few years now, but finally felt they could pull off with the power and innovation that they see on Xbox...Next time I\'ll have more details, but rest assured that you are going to freak when you see pictures and screenshots - a lot of people should plan on losing sleep and camping out at their local game shops waiting for this baby."
This and other news on Japanese developement was all good, just thought I\'d share the highlights.
Let the speculation begin...
This is uplifting news after the somewhat cold reception the Japanese gave Xbox...