rastalant, check this out!!!1 I have to sneek this info here because the mods said I must stop posting Xbox topics. Thire so much news!!!1 Hide Bobs coming!!1
Awards at the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences:Halo™ for the Xbox™ video game system, is the most honored game of the year. Halo scored a clean sweep of the top awards at the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences (AIAS) 5th Annual Awards Show last night in Las Vegas. Awards were determined by a vote of the Academy’s membership, which honored Halo with the following:
• Game of the Year (all platforms)
• Console Game of the Year
• Console Action/Adventure Game of the Year
• Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering
Another Xbox title was singled out by the Academy, Oddworld™: Munch’s Oddysee received the Outstanding Achievement in Animation Award. The stellar evening for Microsoft Game Studios was rounded out as Microsoft “Flight Simulator 2002” took home Computer Simulation Game of the Year. Other Microsoft games to receive nominations this year were: “Project Gotham Racing™” for Xbox; “Microsoft Train Simulator™”; “MechWarrior™ 4”; “Black Knight™” and “Asherson’s Call™: Dark Majesty”.
Dead Or Alive 3 also won the hot title of "Best Fighting Game Of The Year"
The Xbox really has landed and its kicking ass while its here!
http://www.xboxgamers.com/newspro/fullnews.cgi?newsid1015075327,39781,Check out this box art!