uhh..? trying to outdo XBox in graphics? who is? no one is.. take a look at the games m8.. the games with the best graphics are also the games with the best gameplay..
FFX, J&D, MGS2 and more.GTA3 doesnt have graphics that compare with XBox.. and was never intended to.. in fact, only J&D out of those games was ever built up by the developers to challenge XBox games, and it does that successfully.. the game isnt too short, in fact, IMO its the best platformer ever..
Maybe J&D is not so short,but it\'s too easy,I\'ve finished it in 3 days...
ND spent a lot of time and resources in the graphics department and made a good platform,but not the jewel people were waiting for!
The game-play is old,no fresh and unique elements...nothing new! It\'s like playing Mario 64 with "Crash style",copying some stuff from other games with bigger environments! It\'s the best platform ever ? Not so sure...and...which rivals should have J&D ? RayMan2,Klonoa and Sonic...and? The games are not self-made,it needs time,a lot of time,and we should wait a little more(XBox and GC) before speaking about "the best platform ever",it should have more sense...
what the hell?? you just made the EXACT same excuse that PS2 fanboys have been making for ages, then told us not to put XBox and PS2 on the same level when it comes to complaining about it..
"Wait until developers figure it out"
silly man
I said:"don\'t put XBox and PS2 on the same level when some guys speak or complain about jaggies!"
...there\'s no comparison about "jaggies" in DOA3 vs JAGGIES in VF4,for example...but again...at first,PS2 fans,me included,said "almost" the same about PS2"Wait until developers figure it out"...but I had not a clue what I was speaking about...I was one of the hottest PS2 fanboys in my first 300 posts:)...the NV2a has built-in FSAA and you have not to figure out the way to implement it,but "only" to optimize and minimize the use of memory,in a word,dev has to understand UMA!
PS2 has to do FSAA via software,so not only you use up memory-bandwidth but you have a hit in the CPU performance...overall,a lot more problems...
...I\'ll do a research about it if you want...I think I\'ll do it...
Bobs:) ...these are not excuses...it\'s how software and tools work...
At first,when Sega fanboys bashed PS2 for the fact that launch games pushed 2,3,4 mpps...most PS2 fans said "wait and see"...2nd and 3rd gen games will push more polys,once dev understand how to use properly the V units...right? and what is happened? J&D is pushing 10-13 mpps...dev find new tricks,new ways of doing things and they try,year after year to optimize everything...
And all this will happen to the XBox too,PS2 is not exclusive to this(though it uses a new architecture)
Exactly like current PS2 games push 3 times the number of polys than Launch games...you\'ll see XBox games running at 60 fps with a huge number of polys,beautiful textures,lighting,shading,FSAA and more...it\'s how development works dear Bob