Originally posted by Sublimesjg
but the main thing i see that would be a problem is that the small devs would never be able to make it - with all the big devs on one system plus the fact that they are competing with each other - the smaller devs would never be able to have enough money to compete - some of the smaller games that people love wouldnt exist and it would keep devs from trying to be creative - as if too creative a lot of money could be lost if the game doesnt catch on
it really wouldnt be any different from now.. those small games rarely get popular anyway and the odd ones that are really good will get good press and people willbuy them and word will get around, just like it always has.. things really wouldnt change just because there are more developers on one console. How many small games do you see right now popping up with 3 (4 including DC) and even hand helds, that are surprising everyone from small developers..?
and who is stopping them from developing it on the PC?
really wouldnt be much difference from now, my friend
Originally posted by Sublimesjg
also this doesnt affect games completely but if theres only one console then there would never be a reason for sony to upgrade - they could just keep making money on cheap hardware production - if this were to happen then games would never be able to advance as they could if there were a new system
that was the point that i made, although consoles will upgrade, the PC industry will evolve beyond consoles, developers will want more, even the fans will want more, it
might just mean the cycle for each generation is extended..
the only real problem with a monopoly (therewould be more but this is the biggest) would be the fact that Sony could charge what they want, for what they want.. increase the fees on developers, hike game costs up. etc. etc. but even that wouldnt happen too badly, because a) people would turn to PC\'s (i would if consoles were too expensive) and b) another console would challenge only cheaper.. microsoft, sega or nintendo could make a comeback to challenge sony (assuming sony were the ones with the monopoly)