"I guess you can\'t find the link.. so you leave"
Hmmm, it\'s always difficult to find links and articles after years have past, however after a few minutes of searching, here are few which represent the opinions of the time;
http://www.coremagazine.com/news/936.php3"Speaking about the power and polygon performance of the PlayStation2 as compared to the Dreamcast, Okamoto-san stated that the PS2 is capable of approximately 15X the power of the Dreamcast..."
A view shared by many developers at the time after Sony\'s PS2 announcement.
Equally, Sony did make references to Toy Story graphics when they first revealed the PS2 in March 1999, such that MANY websites reported their claim at the time;
http://psx.ign.com/articles/067/067113p1.html"The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported early Monday morning that the new PlayStation which confirms many of the most recent fervent rumors and all of our sources will produce movie-like cinematics comparable to the image quality seen in Pixar\'s Toy Story..."
And regarding the DC they go on to report ... "The PlayStation 2\'s new microprocessor will enable games to render nearly 50 times more 3D image data than Dreamcast, a serious leap over Sega\'s much-vaunted console, which processes 3 million polygons with all effects in use."
Hmmm... There\'s also;
http://www.webreview.com/1999/05_07/strategists/05_07_99_1.shtml"In plainer English, Sony boasts that the Playstation II will be capable of rendering "Toy Story"-quality 3D graphics in real time, while simultaneously playing DVD video and digital surround-sound."
http://www.dvdfuture.com/features/playstation2_old.php3"To give an idea of the graphical prowess of their new system, Sony claims it is capable of rendering the movie "Toy Story" in real time."
More opinions/beliefs following Sony\'s anouncement;
http://www.coremagazine.com/news/1399.php3"Aizawa: I think the PlayStation2 looks great.
Yamamoto: Perhaps, but the software so far doesn\'t.
Aizawa: Well, I think it has potential. It will be capable of doing
games that look like the movie \'Toy Story\' in real-time.
Yamamoto: I agree, the hardware is impressive. But quality
software isn\'t dependent upon graphics..."
But my favourate has always been Sony\'s comment of;
http://www.scee.com/hardware/ps2console.jhtml"Imagine walking into a movie and taking part in real-time...this is the world you are about to enter."
Hmmm, somehow I don\'t think so! The PS2 is good, but not THAT good!

Anyway, enough from me, I haven\'t been here for a few months and was just passing (=curiousity).
