Firstly, Ryu when you put it that way it makes it sound like they could sell 20 million more in like a week. "Then just bang out a quick 15 mill and we can all go home."
That was my point. THeir humongous amount of sales needed to catch up to sony won\'t happen with just one game. If they haven\'t happened yet, it probably won\'t happen at all. In terms of their being a console war, Nintendo is too far behind to catch up to Sony and I fully believe Sony knows exactly that. However, because they know exactly that, they can dish out Square like the little whore they are to whoever will profit the stockholders (sony) the most. We all know Square on GBA = 5-6 million units sold EASILY and square knows that and sony knows that and both will soon be rolling in the money.
Heh, Sony is the stockholder pimps of one of the most profitable whores in the business and they are going to give it to a competitor that will pay them more money then any other console ever could. It\'s a beautiful world we live in.
What it all comes down to...another developer for GC. It\'s good news...
I\'m still trying to figure out why Xbox got brought into this thread?
That\'s an easy question to answer.
Microsoft fanboys talked more about Squaresoft being on their system than any other developer. They said "it makes perfect sense" and as far as I can see, to Sony and Squaresoft, no, it does not. It\'s just hilarious that the typical N-fans who have learned to despise Square over the past 6 years or so are now on their way back on track to loving them once again and they didn\'t need to go into forums demanding that Squaresoft develop for Nintendo much like the Microsoft camp. It just got handed over and that\'s just beautiful.
Guy at PGC offered the idea that delaying the GCN modem until FFXI was the plan for a while. True or not, I think launching it with that is a fine idea, but especialy so if Sega has PSO ready to roll shortly after. Follow up a month or two later with a Nintendo-made online game like Mario Kart and Nintendo might well get that modem into a lot of homes.
Interesting, but Nintendo will also need to announce some type of high storage device for the Gamecube. FFXI does require it afterall and we\'ll see how that goes, but it seems add-ons are going to be a very TYPICAL thing this generation.
One other thing, with Squaresoft and Capcom announcing all these changes towards Nintendo and all these new games (and old ones as well), it\'s a wonder if Nintendo had just made a cd-based N64 system that they just might have beaten Sony last generation. It\'s interesting to think about really.