Seven I\'m not going to wade through all your posts looking to prove anything let alone the fact that you love your PS2 too much to admit the xbox is a great system.
I said you can\'t compare MGS to Halo because Halo is a much bigger, longer, and complex game. Halo does everything MGS does only with environments that are 10x as big, more varied, better textures, with twice as many enemies (that do interact and respond with excellent AI). Halo doesn\'t throw you into a small room with half a dozen of the same enemy and restrict you the way MGS does. MGS looks good, but the scope of the game and its engine isn\'t anyway comparable to Halo. Just the physics engine alone in Halo is remarkable--I\'ve never seen a video of MGS like the Halo Jump video. Because MGS engine doesn\'t give you that kind of freedom.
This is what I find laughable:
You expect everyone to take your word and views on the hardware because what, you\'ve read some tech articles, joined a forum and have a computer science degree (if that). Well I\'ve done all those things too, but I\'m not arrogant enough to proclaim my views ahead of those whose job it is to rate and assess hardware. You love your PS2 so that you made it your life mission, well it\'s BS, and only those who hold their PS2s as closely and firmly to their chests as you do give you any serious merit.
What are you trying to prove or debate? I find it laughable that everytime you start an arguement, you always try to prove how much I love my PS2. Isn\'t that a little pathetic?
I summed up EXACTLY what you are and how you post. The only reason you get away with all the crap that you do is because this is a PS2 board. If NYPPZ ever said "I just had a conversation with a guy from Square and he said..." he would be banned, laughed at and ridiculed for months. No one bats an eye when one of their PS2 darlings posts garbage like that.
Because this isn\'t Console Debating--people who gush the PS2 don\'t get flamed, people who post stupidly about the amazing PS2 get support, people who flagrantly bash the xbox are welcomed and encouraged. People who like the xbox have to check and double check every fact, have to qualify every statement with how much they love their PS2s and have to put up with so much crap it\'s no wonder there are so few here.
This forum is really really getting pathetic. It once was the best on the net, now it\'s just like every other forum. You know I went to TBX and it\'s exactly like this one. People who post lovingly about the xbox are encouraged, people who try to appreciate the PS2 get attacked, their posts become filled with xbox zealots posting screenshots and pointing our jaggies.
So you tell me how this forum is any different from TBX? The same small minds occupy this forum, the only difference is that their small minds occupy the other side of the fence.
There is so much hypocracy around here: PS2 zealots pointing out jaggies, the lack of quality games for the xbox, ports. Newsflash assholes: that happened to the PS2 also, only it was worse.
The jaggies are worse, the graphics are worse, framerates are worse, the sound is worse, you get two controller ports, no HD, no real 5.1 or any chance of HDTV support in games, a piss poor DVD player, no modem, no solid online plans--all for EXACTLY the same price as an xbox (except for Euro of course).
Yet, of course, it\'s an inferior product. Even IF the graphics were "as good" and the sound was "as good", all the extras you get with the xbox still make it a better purchase.
Yet, of course, it\'s an inferior product.
Sure it\'s getting ports now--it\'s new and companies are porting their successful games to xbox to make some quick cash. Ports are going to even out and the PS2 will get its share of xbox ports. PS2 got it\'s share when it launched and DC advocates were quick to point it out--anyone remember: "the port/sequel/rehash station". That was the state of the PS2 up to only a couple months ago.
I find it odd that in a post dedicated to pointing out how bad this forum has become, turned out to be one of the worse examples of it.
How short your memories are and how pathetic you have become.