Your just like any other X-Box fanboy(even if you claim your not), but that\'s beside the point. Your complaining about waiting for PS2 games when all your doing is waiting for those games to come out for X-Box. People waited for an X-box version of THPS3 when the PS2 already had it, while we were enjoying the X-box zealots were waiting, and when it came out it wasn\'t as good as the PS2 version. You can complain all you want, and brag about X-Box\'s specifications and graphics. When it comes down to it, Sony\'s got M$\'s number on games, sales, and most importantly, satisfaction.
Note to reader:I own an X-Box, Gamecube, and PS2, and still buy more PS2 games than either other system combined. Why do I have a 3 systems? So I can give a true, down-to-earth opinion.