Yeah on line play will be nice. I could care less who "wins" in that department. I want games that I spend my hard earned money on to be challanging and fun enough so when I come home and put them in which ever system they are for, I don\'t need to go on line. I want games that will be entertaining playing against the console.
I want a football game that will have the A.I. to realize I can run the same play on defense and get a sack 90% of the time and adjust to stop it. I want a football game with the A.I that can figure out I am running the same play but on alternating sides of the field every time and getting first downs and stopping me.
I want a racing game That will fight me too the finish, bumping my car and possibly wrecking me.
I want a game like Halo for instance, or Max Payne that will figure out I am hiding behind a rock , or a door ,and kick my ass instead of walking stupidly into my line of fire.
My point is I want the games to be a challange when played against the console every time you play them. When I get killed in a game and I get to that point in the game again ,I know what will happen so i can prepare for it, I want what ever killed me the first time to be different when I get there the second time. I want the console to think and react. Maybe I\'m asking for to much here but at $300.00 a console, and $50.00 a game I think we deserve it.
There\'s my rant